Library for itsmeow mods. Proper use is to shade the lib inside a relocated package.
There is a buildscript provided to do this automatically, just include this in your build.gradle
imdlib_version=(VERSION HERE)
You can view available versions on my maven.
apply from: ''
This buildscript will:
- Replace the default/null classifier jar with a shade jar including imdlib as a relocated package.
- On build, relocate imdlib to
and minimize it to use only referenced classes. - Include imdlib as a development dependency with a non-transitive
include. - Create a configuration called libShade to handle shading for this, and applies jengelman's shadow plugin version 4.0.4.
This library includes:
- Tools for replacing entity models with new ones, and the configuration of such
- Entity registration, management, and configuration
- Various utilities
- Lambda builder-based entity renderers