Please see the real-world test results here.
This file provides steps to install and run the closedloop_nav_slam benchmark on both gazebo and real turtlebot in ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04.
Install wstool.
sudo apt-get install python3-rosdep python3-wstool build-essential python3-rosinstall-generator python3-rosinstall python3-pip python-is-python3 pip install rospkg
Install sensor drivers (for real robot testing) and other libs.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-urg-node # hokuyo laser sudo apt install ros-noetic-realsense2-camera # realsense camera sudo apt install ros-noetic-realsense2-description # camera urdf sudo apt install ros-noetic-navitation # navigation stack sudo apt install ros-noetic-teb-local-planner # move_base sudo apt install ros-noetic-sparse-bundle-adjustment # slam_toolbox sudo apt install ros-noetic-pointcloud-to-laserscan # 3d pointcloud to 2d laser scan sudo apt install ros-noetic-imu-transformer # imu transfomer
Initialize workspace.
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws/src # For non-ssh user, please use link: cd ~/catkin_ws && wstool init src wstool merge -t src src/closedloop_nav_slam/turtlebot2.rosinstall wstool update -t src -j20 rosdep install --from-paths src -i -y
Build Turtlebot2 Nodes.
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin build -j8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Build Other ROS Nodes.
cd ~/catkin_ws wstool merge -t src src/closedloop_nav_slam/closedloop_nav_slam.rosinstall wstool update -t src -j20 rosdep install --from-paths src -i -y catkin build -j8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Build SLAM methods. Please follow the README of each repo to build the SLAM library.
!!! Please source ros workspace in each terminal.!!!
source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Set map and robot init pose. The map and robot_init_pose are recorded here.
Set them in the gazebo launch file.
Set them in the config file.
Start launch files.
# Start roscore.
# Start gazebo, default w/o vlp16. To enable gazebo gui add "gui:=true"
roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam gazebo_turtlebot.launch
# Use the following with vlp16.
# roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam gazebo_turtlebot.launch laser_type:=vlp16
# Run onekey testing script.
roscd closedloop_nav_slam
cd scripts/nodes/
# The results are saved to the directory defined in config.yaml.
# Start rviz.
roscd closedloop_nav_slam
cd launch
rviz -d closedloop_viz.rviz
# Generally, the script ends smoothly after the testing is done.
# If the script fails for any reason and cannot be terminated, please use
# the to shut it down.
cd scripts/nodes/tools/
The main config file
. It mainly defines the running parameters, ros topics, env name, slam_methods names, e.t.c. -
Navgition parameters
SLAM parameters
Map files
Path files
- Define a new class named
. Here is an example of addingamcl
class AmclNode(NodeBase):
def __init__(self, params: Dict):
# Define the rosnode names when launching amcl, including amcl and other accessory nodes that amcl requires.
names = ["amcl", "slam_map_server"]
super().__init__(names, params)
def compose_start_cmd(self) -> str:
# Defines the ros command to start amcl.
return (
"roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam amcl.launch output_pose_topic:="
+ self._params["et_pose_topic"]
- Add the new method to factory class in
. It simply maps theslam_method_name
to theslam_node
def CreateSlamNode(params: Dict) -> NodeBase:
- Add slam parameters in
. For example:
## amcl
slam_method: "amcl"
mode: "localization"
enable_msf: false
slam_sensor_type: "laser"
source_msg_parent_frame: "base_footprint" # Define the parent frame that aligns with map frame in slam. VSLAM typically is left_camera_frame, 2D laser is base_footprint.
source_msg_child_frame: "gyro_link" # Define the child frame of which the pose is estimated in parent frame. VSLAM typically is left_camera_optical_frame, 2D laser is base_footprint.
loops: 1 # Define the number of loops in a single trial.
need_map_to_odom_tf: false # Whether needs an additional map_to_odom_tf publisher node. Most 2D laser methods in ros publish this tf inside their class. Some do not and need this publisher node.
Set the map in launch file map.launch
# First set the proper map file in the launch file.
roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam map.launch
# Start waypoints saver
rosrun closedloop_nav_slam
# Start rviz and select 2D nav goal.
rviz -d launch/closedloop_viz.rviz
# The waypoints will be saved under `scripts/closedloop_nav_slam/ros/` and can later be moved to `configs/path/`
- How to disable odom_to_base tf from kobuki_gazebo?
cd ${YOUR_CATKIN_WS}/src/kobuki_ros/kobuki_desktop/kobuki_gazebo_plugins/src
# Change line 166 of file gazebo_ros_kobuki_updates.cpp
if (publish_tf_)
# to
if (false && publish_tf_)
# Rebuild.
catkin build -j16
# Run new wheel odometry publisher.
# It subscribes the gazebo odometry and publishes the disturbed (noise) wheel odometry.
rosrun closedloop_nav_slam