Java 8 example application.
- Spring boot v2.3.8
- Java 8 (OpenJDK)
- Dependencies:
- spring-boot-starter-actuator
- spring-boot-starter-web
- spring-boot-starter-test
- micrometer-registry-prometheus
- Graceful shutdown
- Liveness&Readiness probes
- Actuator endpoints enabled:
- health
- info
- env
- loggers
- metrics
- prometheus
- Standardized, layered
- standardized configuration management:
- configurations under
- You can choose a profile using the environment variable
- configurations under
- The container is run with the user
(UID 1000, GID 1000) to avoid the root user
The Dockerfile
specifies how the image is created. This file creates a layered image, click here for more info.
The base image is eclipse-temurin:8u342-b07-jre-focal
Docker entrypoint bin/
Docker build command docker build -t <tag> .
Spring Boot Actuator enabled on src/main/resources/
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include = health, info, env, loggers, metrics, prometheus, configprops
You can connect a MySQL database by activating the spring profile db
The environment variable is ACTIVE_PROFILES=db
In the default behaviour, no database is connected.
You can also set other environment variables:
DB_URL default value localhost:3306
DB_USER default value user
DB_PASSWORD default value password
The application exposes the default context path /test-app/v1
The class TestController exposes some test endpoints.
For example, you can get the instance id calling GET localhost:8080/test-app/v1/app/id
You can build this project with AWSCodeBuild. The configuration file under the root directory is buildspec.yml. This file builds the maven project and uploads a docker image to Elastic Container Registry.
Remember to define your Elastic Container Registry parameters AWS_DEFAULT_REGION