This is an older version of the platform. Further efforts will be applied on Application Starter 4, which supports multiple applications. See
If you are a beginner with little or no PHP experience, you might need to read a training tutorial like this one:
PHP Tutorial for Beginners: Learn in 7 Days,
PHP 8.0.2 or higher, Apache 2.4 (mod_rewrite should be enabled). For database support seek information within CodeIgniter 3 documentation.
For UTF-8 encoded sites it is highly recommendable the following PHP extensions to be installed:
- mbstring;
- iconv;
- pcre compiled with UTF-8 support (the "u" modifier should work).
Download source and place it on your web-server within its document root or within a sub-folder. Make the folder platform/writable to be writable. It is to contain CodeIgniter's cache, logs and other things that you might add. Open the site with a browser on an address like this: http://localhost/starter-public-edition-3/public/
On your web-server you may move one level up the content of the folder public, so the segment public from the address to disappear. Also you can move the folder platform to a folder outside the document root of the web server for increased security. After such a rearrangement open the file config.php (public/config.php before rearrangement), find the setting $PLATFORMPATH and change this path accordingly. The file public/config.php contains also the ENVIRONMENT setting that can be switched among development, testing, and production mode. By default ENVIRONMENT is set to 'production'.
The following directories (the locations are the original) must have writable access:
Have a look at the files .htaccess and robots.txt and adjust them for your site. The PHP configuration files of the application you may find at platform/application/config/ folder. Also, the common PHP configuration files you may find at platform/common/config/ folder.
The platform auto-detects its base URL address nevertheless its public part is on the document root of the web-server or not. However, on production installation, site should be accessed only through trusted host/server/domain names, see platform/common/config/config.php , the configuration settings $config['restrictAccessToTrustedHostsOnly'] and $config['trustedHosts'] for more information.
In addition to the section above, it is desirable on a developer's machine additional components to be installed globally, they are mostly to support compilation of web resources (for example: less -> css, ts -> js). The system accesses them using PHP command-shell functions.
When installing the additional components globally, the command-line console would require administrative privileges.
- Install Node.js and npm, for example see As a result, from the command line these commands should work:
node -v
npm -v
- (Optional, Linux, Ubuntu) Install the interactive node.js updater:
sudo npm install -g n
- Later you can use the following commands for updates:
Updating Node.js:
sudo n lts
Updating npm:
sudo npm i -g npm
Updating all the globally installed packages:
sudo npm update -g
Another way for global updating is using the interactive utility npm-check. Installing:
sudo npm -g i npm-check
And then using it:
sudo npm-check -u -g
- Install less.js compiler ( globally:
sudo npm install less -g
Then the following command should work:
lessc -v
- Install PostCSS and its CLI utility ( globally:
sudo npm -g install postcss-cli
And this command should work:
postcss -v
- Install Autoprefixer ( globally:
sudo npm -g install autoprefixer
- Install cssnano (
sudo npm -g install cssnano
- Install TypeScript compiler (if it is needed):
sudo npm -g install typescript-compiler
This command should work:
tsc -v
On compilation of huge web-resources Node.js might exaust its memory, in such case try (the value may vary):
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192
For originally written code a tab is turned into four spaces. This is the only strict rule. Standard PSR rules are welcome, but it is desirable code not to be 'compressed' vertically, use more meaningful empty lines that would make code more readable and comfortable.
- CodeIgniter 3,, , installed by using Composer.
- On a web-server you can place your site (public folder) within a subdirectory.
- Codeigniter Cross Modular Extensions - XHMVC,, (only the essential piece of code).
- Support for the old CI 2.x class/file name convention. When you port your older libraries, models, and controllers, you would not be forced to rename them according to the new strict "ucfirst" naming convention.
- Modular Extensions - HMVC for CodeIgniter,
- Enhanced bootsrapping process, see the content of the folder platform/core/bootstrap/.
- In addition to the normal MVC execution, it is possible to run non-MVC scripts, look at the folder public/non-mvc/ for examples.
- Adapted for HMVC rooting has been implemented. Within a module you are able to place controllers in this way:
modules/demo/controllers/page/Page.php -> address: site_url/demo/page/[index/method]
modules/demo/controllers/page/Other.php -> address: site_url/demo/page/other/[index/method]
Deeper directory nesting as in CI 3 has not been implemented for now.
- SEO Friendly URLs in CodeIgniter,
- Hack 2. Prevent Model-Controller Name Collision,
Instead of:
// Filename: Welcome.php
class Welcome extends Base_Controller {
// ...
you can write:
// Filename: Welcome_controller.php
class Welcome_controller extends Base_Controller {
// ...
Thus the class name Welcome is available to be used as a model name instead of those ugly names Welcome_model, Welcome_m, etc. The technique of this hack is available, but it is not mandatory.
- Hack 4. Running CodeIgniter from the Command Line, - see the file public/cli.php.
- Form Validation Callbacks in HMVC in Codeigniter,
- Making CodeIgniter’s Profiler AJAX compatible,
- CodeIgniter Form Validation External Callbacks,,
- User Agent Helper Functions for CodeIgniter,
- Template library for CodeIgniter by Phil Sturgeon,
- CodeIgniter Asset Library by Phil Sturgeon.
- UTF-8 string support for CodeIgniter based on Kohana's implementation,
- PHP fallback function http_build_url(),
- Core_Model, see
- normalize.css, a collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations,
- Modernizr, a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser,
- html5shiv.js and html5shiv-printshiv.js (separate, packed within Modernizr too) - The HTML5 Shiv enables use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer and provides basic HTML5 styling for Internet Explorer 6-9, Safari 4.x (and iPhone 3.x), and Firefox 3.x.,
- Internationalization, initially based on CodeIgniter 2.1 internationalization i18n,, but totally reworked.
- cURL library for CodeIgniter,
- CodeIgniter-REST Client,
- CodeIgniter Rest Server,
- A simple Event System for CodeIgniter,,
- Support for database stored settings (Settings library).
- Textile, A Humane Web Text Generator,,
- Markdownify - The HTML to Markdown converter for PHP,
- Parsedown - Better Markdown Parser in PHP -
- Parsedown Extra - An extension of Parsedown that adds support for Markdown Extra -
- Mustache, Logic-less templates,,
- PHPMailer,,
- A CodeIgniter 3 compatible email-library powered by PHPMailer,
- A PHP class for transliteration,
- AES (256, 192, 128) Symmetric Encryption, Compatible with OpenSSL,
- HTML Purifier,
- Core_Lang, language translations: Support has been implemented for placeholders %s, %d, etc.
- Translation within views by using i18n tag,
How to use this feature:
Enable the configuration option 'parse_i18n':
$config['parse_i18n'] = TRUE;
Then in your views you can use the following syntax:
or with parameters
<i18n replacement="John,McClane">dear</i18n>
where $lang['dear'] = 'Dear Mr. %s %s,';
Here is a way how to translate title, alt, placeholder and value attributes:
<img src="..." i18n:title="click_me" />
or with parameters
<img src="..." i18n:title="dear|John,McClane" />
You can override the global setting 'parse_i18n' within the controller by inserting the line:
$this->parse_i18n = TRUE; // or FALSE
Parsing of <i18n>
tags is done on the final output buffer only when
the MIME-type is 'text/html'.
Note: Enabling globally the i18n parser maybe is not the best idea. If you use HMVC, maybe it would be better i18n-parsing to be done selectively for particular html-fragments. See below on how to use the Parser class for this purpose.
- KCAPTCHA Version 2.0 - A Port for CodeIgniter,
- Parser class: Driver support has been implemented.
Instead of:
write the following:
Quick tests:
// The default parser.
echo $this->parser->parse_string('Hello, {name}!', array('name' => 'John'), TRUE);
There are some other parser-drivers implemented. Examples:
// Mustache parser.
echo $this->mustache->parse_string('Hello, {{name}}!', array('name' => 'John'), TRUE);
// Parsing a Mustache type of view.
$email_content = $this->mustache->parse('email.mustache', array('name' => 'John'), TRUE);
echo $email_content;
// Textile parser
echo $this->textile->parse_string('h1. Hello!', NULL, TRUE);
echo $this->textile->parse('hello.textile', NULL, TRUE);
// Markdown parser
echo $this->markdown->parse_string('# Hello!', NULL, TRUE);
echo $this->markdown->parse('hello.markdown', NULL, TRUE);
// Markdownify parser
echo $this->markdownify->parse_string('<h1>Hello!</h1>', NULL, TRUE);
echo $this->markdownify->parse('hello.html', NULL, TRUE);
// LESS parser
echo $this->less->parse_string('@color: #4D926F; #header { color: @color; } h2 { color: @color; }', NULL, TRUE);
echo $this->less->parse(DEFAULTFCPATH.'assets/less/lib/bootstrap-3/bootstrap.less', NULL, TRUE);
Within the folder platform/common/libraries/Parser/drivers/ you may see all the additional parser drivers implemented. Also within the folder platform/common/config/ you may find the corresponding configuration files for the drivers, name by convention parser_driver_name.php. Better don't tweak the default configuration options, you may alter them directly on parser call where it is needed.
The simple CodeIgniter's parser driver-name is 'parser', you may use it according to CodeIgniter's manual.
Enanced syntax for using parsers (which I prefer)
Using the generic parser class directly, with specifying the desired driver:
// The fourth parameter means Mustache parser that is loaded automatically.
echo $this->parser->parse_string($mustache_template, $data, true, 'mustache');
// The fourth parameter means Markdown and auto_link parsers parser to be applied in a chain.
echo $this->parser->parse_string($content, null, true, array('markdown', 'auto_link'));
// The same chaining example, this time a configuration option of the second parser has been altered.
echo $this->parser->parse_string($content, null, true, array('markdown', 'auto_link' => array('attributes' => 'target="_blank" rel="noopener"')));
Using parsers indirectly on rendering views:
// You don't need to load explicitly the parser library here.
// The fourth parameter means that i18n parser is to be applied.
// This is a way to handle internationalization on views selectively.
$this->load->view('main_menu_widget', $data, false, 'i18n');
Using a parser indirectly with Phil Sturgeon's Template library:
// You don't need to load explicitly the parser library here.
->set(compact('success', 'messages', 'subject', 'body'))
->enable_parser_body('i18n') // Not elegant enough, sorry.
- CodeIgniter Checkbox Helper,
- Configured web-assets compiler has been added.
Gulp/Webpack and etc. package managers from the Javascript world might be annoying burden for a PHP-developer. In order to make this matter easier, a web-asset compilator has been implemented, it uses internally the corresponding parsers. First, the compiler's tasks must be specified by names, see the configuration file platform/common/config/assets_compile.php.
Have a look at platform/common/config/assets_compile.php file. It contains a list of files (sources, destinations) to be used for LESS to CSS compilation. You may edit this list according to your needs. Before compilation, make sure that destination files (if exist) are writable and their containing folders are writable too. A simple example:
'name' => 'my_task',
'type' => 'less',
'source' => DEFAULTFCPATH.'themes/front_default/src/my.less',
'destination' => DEFAULTFCPATH.'themes/front_default/src/my.min.css',
'less' => [],
'autoprefixer' => ['browsers' => ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'Firefox ESR', 'Safari >= 7', 'iOS >= 7', 'ie >= 10', 'Edge >= 12', 'Android >= 4']],
'cssmin' => [],
As you can see, there are source and destinations files, and a chain of parsers with their specific options. The type of the task here is the name of the first parser to be applied. Practically, more complex tasks might be needed when CSS and Javascripts are merged into a single result file. For this purpose there are two special task-types: 'merge_css' and 'merge_js', see an example:
'name' => 'front_default_css',
'type' => 'merge_css',
'destination' => DEFAULTFCPATH.'themes/front_default/css/front.min.css',
'sources' => [
'source' => DEFAULTFCPATH.'themes/front_default/src/front.less',
'type' => 'less',
'less' => [],
'autoprefixer' => ['browsers' => ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'Firefox ESR', 'Safari >= 7', 'iOS >= 7', 'ie >= 10', 'Edge >= 12', 'Android >= 4']],
'cssmin' => [],
'source' => DEFAULTFCPATH.'assets/scss/lib/sweetalert/sweetalert.scss',
'type' => 'scss',
'autoprefixer' => ['browsers' => ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'Firefox ESR', 'Safari >= 7', 'iOS >= 7', 'ie >= 10', 'Edge >= 12', 'Android >= 4']],
'cssmin' => [],
'before' => '_prepare_semantic_source',
'after' => [
Within the example 'before' and 'after' elements are callbacks that do additional user-defined actions before and after the correspinding task is executed.
There is a defined special task-type 'copy' that allows merging already minified CSS or JavaScript without any processing.
Compilation is to be done from command-line. Open a terminal at the folder platform/public/ and write the following command:
php cli.php assets compile
Or, you may choose which tasks to execute by pointing at their names:
php cli.php assets compile task_name_1 task_name_2 task_name_3 ...
- A way for database classes/drivers modification: Files under platform/core/framework/database/ folder may be copied into platform/common/database/ (the prefered location) or platform/application/database. The copied files can be modified/customized. See ivantcholakov/starter-public-edition-4#5
- CodeIgniter Cache Helper,
- auto_link() helper accepts attributes,
- Menu Library,, (the original spark-source),
- Function print_d() (enhanced debug print), - Registry library for CodeIgniter,
- jQuery Validation Plugin,
- Extended JavaScript regular expressions XRegExp,
- DataTables jQuery plugin ( and Datatable library for server-side processing support.
- An icon subset of flags from GoSquared,
- phpass (PasswordHash class),,
- Gravatar Library for CodeIgniter,
- CodeIgniter Advanced Images (Smart Resize and Crop),
- Multiplayer - A tiny library to build nice HTML embed codes for videos,,
- Smiley Icons,,
- Smiley Icons from Django-emoticons,
- php-passgen - A library for generating cryptographically secure passwords in PHP,
- JSMinPlus - a JavaScript minifier,
- less.js script for client-side usage (for learning and development purposes, for production compile less assets before deploying),
- scssphp, a compiler for SCSS written in PHP,
- TSCompiler,
- Colorbox, a light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery,
- php-json-minify, a JSON minifier and uncommenter written in PHP,
- Animate.css, a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects,,
- Web Font Loader, gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face,
- Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP,
- PHP 5.x support for random_bytes() and random_int(),
- WhichBrowser/Parser, a useragent parser library for PHP,
- iHover, a collection of hover effects using pure CSS,
- imagesLoaded - "You images done yet or what?",
- Masonry - a cascading grid layout library,
- Semantic UI - a component framework based around useful principles from natural language,
- jQuery keepalive Plugin, sends ajax requests to the server at configurable intervals to keep a PHP session from expiring,
- CSS & JavaScript minifier, in PHP, ,
- SweetAlert, a beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert", ,
- Handlebars.js - an extension to the Mustache templating language, ,
- Handlebars.php - Handlebars processor for PHP,
- Headroom.js - A widget that reacts to the user's scroll,
- Swiper, "the free and most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior" - ,
- highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter,
It is hard everything about this platform to be documented in a formal way. This is why a special site section "The Playground" has been created, aimed at demonstration of platform's features/concepts. You may look at the examples and review their code.
A contact form has been created that with minimal adaptation you may use directly in your projects.
If you have no previous experience with CodeIgniter, get familiar with its User Guide first:
Package | Description | Usage |
codeigniter/framework | CodeIgniter 3 | Everywhere |
ivantcholakov/codeigniter-phpmailer | The wrapper library for PHPMailer. | Sending emails |
fg/multiplayer | Builds customizable video embed codes from any URL | Multiplayer library |
scssphp/scssphp | A compiler for SCSS written in PHP | Parser 'scss' driver |
guzzlehttp/guzzle | A HTTP client library | Playground, REST service test |
whichbrowser/parser | Useragent sniffing library for PHP | Which_browser library |
erusev/parsedown | Parser for Markdown | Parser 'markdown' driver |
erusev/parsedown-extra | An extension of Parsedown that adds support for Markdown Extra | Parser 'markdown' driver |
pixel418/markdownify | A HTML to Markdown converter | Parser 'markdownify' driver |
mustache/mustache | A Mustache template engine implementation in PHP | Parser 'mustache' driver |
netcarver/textile | Textile markup language parser | Parser 'textile' driver |
twig/twig | Twig template language for PHP | Parser 'twig' driver |
ezyang/htmlpurifier | Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP | admin and user HTML filters for the online editor |
t1st3/php-json-minify | A JSON minifier | Parser 'jsonmin' driver |
matthiasmullie/minify | CSS & JS minifier | Parser 'cssmin' and 'jsmin' drivers |
phpmailer/phpmailer | An email creation and transfer component for PHP | The custom Email library |
With a little bit older version of this platform the following sites have been created (Bulgarian language only): - an online shop, gifts- migrated to starter-public-edition-4 - an online shop, furniture- migrated to starter-public-edition-4- - an online catalog, beauty salons
- - an online catalog, kindergartens
- - an online catalog, sport centers
- a system for students accommodation, not publicly available
Reported by Webnice Ltd.,
- (city information, public events)
- Many thanks to Irida Design OOD, - for sponsoring this project;
- Gwenaël Gallon, - for an important bug-fix about detect_url(), French translation, and various component updates;
- quasiperfect (GitHub name), - for various suggestions and bug-reports;
- Exelord (GitHub name), - for Polish translation;
- Krishna Guragai, - for drafting the Facebook PHP SDK integration.
- Denislav Adilev, - for his overall influence and recommendations, for testing and various bug-reports about the Template library, Twig and Lex parsers integration, language support, image processing and modular extensions.
For original code in this project:
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022:
Ivan Tcholakov (the initial author),
Gwenaël Gallon.
License: The MIT License (MIT),
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc. (
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2022, CodeIgniter Foundation (
License: The MIT License (MIT),
Third parties:
License information is to be found directly within code and/or within additional files at corresponding folders.
Ivan Tcholakov, November 11-th, 2015: No donations are accepted here. If you wish to help, you need the time and the skills of being a direct contributor, by providing code/documentation and reporting issues. Period.