ROSES (R pythOn Statistical tEstS) is a package to use statistical tests from R to Python for multiple algorithms in multiple problems.
This package was created due to differences in the precision from other Python packages for statistical tests. As R is a programming language with excellent libraries for statistical, ROSES was created as a bridge (parses) to use them.
Install Python:
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-tk python-dev
Install R:
sudo apt install r-base
To compile the R libraries:
sudo apt install gfortran libcurl4-openssl-dev
To install the following R libraries, otherwhise a warning will be handled:
install.packages("", repos=NULL)
install.packages("", repos=NULL)
If you received warnings to install the R libraries, try some the commands as follow:
sudo apt install libevent-dev libreadline-dev libudunits2-dev libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev
To download ROSE just clone the Git repository hosted in GitHub:
git clone
python install
Alternatively, you can install it with pip
pip install roses
Examples of configuring and running all the included algorithms are located in the test folders roses folder.
The current release of ROSES (v0.3) contains the following tests:
- Kruskal-Wallis with Post-hoc when necessary (comparing p-value)
- Friedman with Critical Distance plot and Post-hoc when necessary (comparing p-value)
- Varghas and Delaney (effect size)
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details.
If this package contributes to a project which leads to a scientific publication, I would appreciate a citation.
author = {Prado Lima, Jackson Antonio do},
title = {{ROSES (R pythOn Statistical tEstS)}},
month = sep,
year = 2019,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3444187},
url = {}