A groundbreaking online web system as a dynamic research repository. The system allows students to effortlessly upload their research papers in PDF format, facilitating easy access and download from any location. The repository serves as a valuable resource for current and future students, providing a centralized hub for studying and referencing research papers to meet their academic needs. Additionally, teachers can utilize the repository to enhance their teaching materials and stay updated on the latest research conducted within the institution
Use the package manager to install the Libraries used in this application.
npm install
# look for this code in 'db.sql' and change the password and username according to your preference
INSERT INTO admin(username, password) VALUES ('admin', 'fa99a4ae51ae079bdbbb5ce931bf9f92');
# copy all of the code inside the 'db.sql' and paste it on your phpmyadmin to create the database for the application
# make sure that permissions are enabled to perform the filesystem for storing and deleting pdf files
# then look for 'db.php' file and change the values inside the variables according to your local machine
# now onced all done, you can now access it through 'localhost/Research-Hub/' and for admin 'localhost/Research-Hub/admin'
# make sure that the folder is inside a server or else it will not work, for example in xampp it should be in 'htdocs' folder
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.