This is the example micropython code for the Waveshare Pico RGB Matrix Clock. This version has been modified to be easier to understand by removing some unnecessary code.
If you are just looking for the clock firmware checkout the following:
The samples require using CircuitPython and some Adafruit CircuitPython libraries.
This demo source has been updated to use CircuitPython 8.x.x. Download the latest 8.x.x version to install:
To install download the latest 8.x.x version:
Circuit libraries are included in the lib folder, just copy them to the pico. To update them you need to download the Adafruit 8.x-mpy Bundle from here and update the specific libraries required by the sample code.
The schematics for this are included in the documents folder for reference.
- Added RTC demo
- Removed block of unused code from demo files making them easier to understand
- Switched rotation to display correct rotation
- Added Light Sensor demo
- Added shameless plug for other projects