I (Zed A. Shaw) am an amateur painter, and I'd like to do a fun bug bounty where I exchange paintings I make for bugs people find in my book. I'm not a fantastic painter by any means, so don't imagine you're going to sell them for millions of dollars after I die. Rather, think of this as an elaborate art project that nobody else has done (that I know of). It'll be all the rage at the Whitney!
Here's how the bounty works:
- You can submit tickets and pull requests here for the code or for the writing at https://learnpythonthehardway.org/python3/. You can also email help@learncodethehardway.org or use the Help button at the bottom of every page to submit your request. I'll then turn it into a ticket for you to keep track of who submitted what. Just make sure you mention this is for the bug bounty.
- I'll take the top 20 people who submitted fixes I incorporated into the text and make them a personalized painting. It can be almost anything, from a portrait, to landscapes, flower paintings, or even one I've done in the past that you like. They can be large, or small, and we'll work out what's best for you based on your geographic location.
- This contest will run until March 15th when I announce the winners and then start doing the paintings.
- I'll sign all paintings on the back and list the bug you closed with my thanks.
If you'd like to see some paintings I've done you can check out my instagram but keep in mind I also take photos of art at museums. If it looks too awesome, check that I actually painted it.