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Optical machines

Allows you to create state-machines using programming patterns that look like concurrency.

A Flow i s m a is a defines (the transition function) of a state-machine which reacts to inputs of type i, has a state of type s, can perform effects in the monad m and produces a value of type a.

The point is to define a larger flow in terms of smaller flows using this function:

subflow ::
  (Monad m, Monoid r) =>
  -- | A focus on the state.
  LensLike' (Focusing m r) a b ->
  -- | A focus on the input.
  Getting (Endo [ib]) ia ib ->
  -- | The subflow to run on these foci.
  FlowT ib b m r ->
  FlowT ia a m r

and its indexed variant:

isubflow ::
  (Monad m, Eq i, Monoid r) =>
  -- | Indexed focus on the state.
  -- | A focus on the inputs which also extracts an index.
  Getting (Endo [(i, ib)]) ia (i, ib) ->
  -- | The subflow to run on these indexed foci.
  FlowT ib b m r ->
  FlowT ia a m r

These functions allow one to split up the logic of the state machine according to optics on both the state and the input, thereby running sub-state-machines sequentially, concurrently or a mix of the two.

Small examples

All the following examples use the following basic machines:

f , g :: (Monad m) => FlowT Int Int m ()
f = (+) <$> ask >>= modify -- Increment the state by the input
g = (*) <$> ask >>= modify -- Multiply the state by the input

Execute a machine:

λ> execFlow 10 2 f
λ> execFlow 10 2 g

Run both f and g concurrently, on each input:

λ> execFlow 10 (2,2) (subflow _1 identity f >> subflow _2 identity g)

Run both f and g concurrently, splitting the input:

λ> execFlow (20, 30) (2,2) (subflow _1 _1 f >> subflow _2 _2 g)

Run both f and g concurrently, feeding Lefts to f and Rights to g:

λ> execFlow (Left 10) (2,2) (subflow _1 _Left f >> subflow _2 _Right g)
λ> execFlow (Right 10) (2,2) (subflow _1 _Left f >> subflow _2 _Right g)

Run both f and g concurrently, sometimes getting inputs at the same time:

λ> import Data.These
λ> import Data.These.Lens
λ> execFlow (This 10) (2,2) (subflow _1 here f >> subflow _2 there g)
λ> execFlow (That 10) (2,2) (subflow _1 here f >> subflow _2 there g)
λ> execFlow (These 10 20) (2,2) (subflow _1 here f >> subflow _2 there g)

Run a map of f machines concurrently, distributing indexed inputs as appropriate.

λ> execFlow [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3)] (fromList [('a', 0), ('b', 0)]) (isubflow itraversed traverse f)
fromList [('a',4),('b',2)]

Run a list of f machines, feeding each input to all machines:

λ> execFlow 10 [1,2,3,4] (subflow traverse identity f)

Run a list of machines concurrently, running f and g sequentially on each machine, for all inputs:

λ> execFlow 10 [1,2,3,4] (subflow traverse identity f >> subflow traverse identity g)

Run a list of machines concurrently, running f on the odd indices and g on the even indices:

λ> execFlow 10 [1,2,3,4,5,6] (subflow (itraversed . indices odd) identity f
>> subflow (itraversed . indices even) identity g)

Run a list of machines concurrently, feeding Thiss to f running of the odd indices, and feeding Thats to g running on the even indices, and feeding These to both.

λ> execFlow (This 10) [1,2,3,4,5,6] (subflow (itraversed . indices odd) here
f >> subflow (itraversed . indices even) there g)
λ> execFlow (That 10) [1,2,3,4,5,6] (subflow (itraversed . indices odd) here f >> subflow (itraversed . indices even) there g)
λ> execFlow (These 10 20) [1,2,3,4,5,6] (subflow (itraversed . indices odd) here f >> subflow (itraversed . indices even) there g)

Extended example

Here we have an example of a game with 2 stages.

  • In stage 1 multiple players are spawned which accumuate some points.
  • The first to get more than 10 points wins and goes to stage 2.
  • In stage 2 we continue accumulating some points.

See the example for the types.

game :: FlowT Input Game Identity ()
game = do
  -- Run stage 1:
  subflow _Stage1 _Stage1Input stage1
  -- Transition from stage 1 to stage 2:
  whenever (_Stage1 . players . itraversed . _Won . withIndex) $ \(i, x) ->
    put (Stage2 (MkStage2 i x))
  -- Run stage 2:
  subflow (_Stage2 . points) _Stage2Input $ stage2
    stage1 = do
      -- Run all the player workflows:
      isubflow (players . itraversed) _Add player
      -- Create new player workflows:
      subflow identity _New $ do
        id <- use nextId
        nextId .= id + 1
        players . at id ?= Playing 0
    stage2 = do
      more <- (+) <$> ask
      modify more

player :: FlowT Int Player Identity ()
player = do
  currentState <- get
  case currentState of
    Playing x -> do
      i <- ask
      let x' = i + x
      put $
        if x' > 10
          then Won x'
          else Playing x'
    Won _ -> pure ()


State machines using optics







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