Check out this cool project! It is one of my practice projects. It's a MERN stack eCommerce platform using React, React Redux, MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js. I've spiced it up with React Bootstrap for a sleek look and added Redux for smooth data handling. Dive into the code to see how these technologies come together, creating a user-friendly and scalable online shopping experience. It's a great example of modern web development – simple, powerful, and ready for you to explore!
This project features a robust set of functionalities to enhance the user experience:
- A complete shopping cart with quantity control
- Product reviews and ratings for informed decisions
- A visually appealing top products carousel
- Seamless product pagination for easy navigation
- Efficient product search functionality
- User profiles with order history for personalized experiences
- Streamlined admin interfaces for product and user management
- Detailed order tracking with an Admin Order details page
- Option to mark orders as delivered for accurate status updates
- Smooth checkout process, including shipping and payment method selection
- Integration of PayPal and credit card payments for convenience
- Custom database seeder script for easy database setup and testing.
React with functional components & hooks
React router
React-Bootstrap UI library
How to structure components
Component-level state & props
Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers)
Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector)
Creating an extensive back end with Express
Working with a MongoDB database and the Mongoose ODM
JWT authentication (JSON web tokens)
Creating custom authentication middleware
Custom error handler
Integrating the PayPal API
Environment variables
Project deployment- Render