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GemeenteKaart REST service

Deze documentatie in het Nederlands.

This is the REST service to janpieterk/gemeentekaart-core

How to install

  • Make sure you have a web server running with PHP support

To install from github with composer:

$ composer create-project janpieterk/gemeentekaart-rest --repository='{"type":"vcs","url":""}'

To install from with composer:

$ composer create-project janpieterk/gemeentekaart-rest

To install with git and composer:

$ git clone
$ cd gemeentekaart-rest
$ composer install
  • Now visit http://<YOUR WEBHOST>/gemeentekaart-rest to view the documentation and access the REST service.

Running the PHPUnit tests for gemeentekaart-rest:

  • edit the file and change the constant KAART_SERVER_HOSTNAME to the hostname of the web server running the gemeentekaaart-rest REST service. Then run the shell script test/


This service can be used to create a choropleth map of either the municipalities of The Netherlands (default: borders as of 2007, 443 municipalities), the municipalities of Flanders (308 municipalities), the municipalities of The Netherlands and Flanders combined, the 40 COROP areas of The Netherlands (see COROP, the twelve provinces of The Netherlands, or the 28 dialect areas of Daan/Blok (1969) mapped on municipality borders. Areas can be assigned colors, typically to denote the relative frequency of some phenomenon. Some predefined combinations are also possible, at the moment: municipalities with COROP areas, municipalities with provinces, municipalities with dialect areas.

New in version 1.1

Since version 1.1 the historical municipality and province borders fron the data set NLGis shapefiles by Dr. O.W.A. Boonstra are incorporated in the project. Borders from 1812-1997 area available and can be requested by adding a yea< parameter to the request. Note that no year parameter results in the 2007 maps from version 1.0. Maps from the NLGis data set use Amsterdam codes for municipalities (see Van der Meer & Boonstra 2011) while the version 1.0 maps use CBS codes.

Getting started

Maps can be requested via GET requests or POST requests with content-type application/json. If the only parameters are key-value pairs, they can go either in the request string (GET request) or in a JSON document in the request body (POST request). If there are structured parameters a POST request with a JSON request body is advisable. Request string parameters can be combined with a JSON request body in a POST request. If the same parameters are in the request string and in the JSON document, the parameters from the request string have precedence over the ones in the request body.

GET requests

Map of the municipalities, default size and format: http://<RESTURL>/?type=municipalities

Map of the COROP areas, default size and format: http://<RESTURL>/?type=corop

Map of the municipalities combined with the COROP areas: http://<RESTURL>/?type=municipalities&additionaldata=corop

JSON POST requests

POST the following document (uses CBS codes) to the REST service:

  "type": "gemeentes",
  "formet": "png",
  "width": 500,
  "data": {
    "g_0432": "#FFE680",
    "g_0420": "#FFDD55",
    "g_0448": "#FFD42A",
    "g_0476": "#FFCC00",
    "g_0373": "#D4AA00",
    "g_0400": "#AA8800",
    "g_0366": "#806600",
    "g_0463": "#FFCC00",
    "g_0462": "#FFEEAA"

And get this back: map

POST the following document (uses Amsterdam codes) to the REST service:

    "data": {
        "a_11150": "#990000",
        "a_10345": "#990000",
        "a_11434": "#990000",
        "a_10722": "#990000"
    "year": 1821,
    "type": "gemeentes",
    "format": "svg",
    "interactive": true

And get this back: map

Uploading files with POST requests

Content type should be multipart/form-data.

An alternative way to get data into the Kaart service is to upload a commma-separated file with area codes and colors. For example, the municipalities map above can alse be obtained by uploading a file with the following content to http://<RESTURL>/?type=gemeentes&format=png&width=500:


Full list of possible parameters



Used to add an additional layer of data to a map. Currently only the combinations type=municipalities&additionaldata=corop, type=municipalities&additionaldata=provinces and type=municipalities&additionaldata=dialectareas are possible.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a base64-encoded string representation of the map is returned.


array, object or string

a list of area codes with either highlight colors or an object containing outline, fill and strokewidth. Use in a JSON document. Examples: List of highlighted municipalities (CBS codes):

    "g_0432" : "#FFE680", 
    "g_0420" : "#FFDD55", 
    "g_0448" : "#FFD42A", 
    "g_0476" : "#FFCC00", 
    "g_0373" : "#D4AA00", 
    "g_0400" : "#AA8800", 
    "g_0366" : "#806600", 
    "g_0463" : "#FFCC00", 
    "g_0462" : "#FFEEAA" 

Draw the province of Groningen without a fill and with a red outline which is twice as wide as the default linewidth for the map:

  {"p_20" : { "fill" : "none", "outline" : "red", "strokewidth": 2} }

Colors can be the name of a color (one of the 140 HTML colors), a hexadecimal representation of the form #RRGGBB, or or a hexadecimal representation of the form AABBGGRR. The 'AA' (opacity) part only has an effect with KML maps.



svg, png, gif, jpeg, kml or json. json returns a geoJSON object.



Height in pixels of the map. It is generally not a good idea to set the height explicitly, it is better to set the width and let the map calculate its own height.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a list of HTML <area> elements instead of a map image is returned. Can be used to create clickable bitmap maps. imagemap results in a complete imagemap for all areas only if:

  1. there are no links or tooltips set;
  2. there are links or tooltips set and interactive is set to true;
  3. link (singular) is set and linkhighlightedonly is not set.

In other cases you get a partial imagemap with only the areas set in links or tooltips.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, for SVG maps, onmouseover and onmouseout events to show area naes, and for bitmaps maps, <area> elements with title and alt attributes with placenames are added to all areas (to be requested with imagemap).



Template for a link to be added to all areas. %s placeholders will be replaced by the area code. For maps of a bitmap format, the links will be added to the imagemap of the picture, for maps of format SVG or KML they will be embedded in the XML. Example: ?type=municipalities&format=svg& (link = urlencoded form of Applies to all areas unless the parameter linkhighlightedonly is set to true.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a link set with the link parameter is only added to higlighted areas which are set with the data parameter.



List of links to be added to areas. Can only be used in a POSTed JSON document. Example:

    "g_0462" : "",
    "g_0366" : ""



If it is necessary to use a non-standard file with paths in a choropleth map, a filename can be given with this parameter. Note that this file must exist on the server in the correct location (see config file) and be in the correct format. See the coords directory of gemeentekaart-core for examples.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a list (in JSON format) of possible areas (area codes plus names) is returned. Note that the type parameter should be present also. A year parameter is possible for municipalities and provinces, see possiblemunicipalities and possibleyears.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a list (in JSON format) of possible map formats is returned.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a list (in JSON format) of possible municipalities (municipality codes plus names) is returned. This is a synonym for possibleareas=1&type=municipalities. Note that the type parameter can be left out. Note that adding a year parameter results in the Amsterdam codes and municipalities for the given year while no 'year parameter results in the CBS codes for 2007 (version 1.0 behaviour).



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a list (in JSON format) of possible map types for the type parameter is returned.



If this parameter is set to 1, on, true or yes, a list (in JSON format) of possible years for the year parameter for the given map type is returned.



Optional target for the link given in the link parameter (see above). Value of the "target" attribute of the href element.



List of tooltips (informative texts) to be added to areas. Can only be used in a POSTed JSON document. Example:

    "g_0462" : "informative text 1",
    "g_0366" : "informative text 2"



Optional title of the map, will be displayed in-picture above the map.



One of the choropleth types. See possibletypes.



Width in pixels of the map. Overrides the default.



The desired year for the requested map type.


J. Daan and D.P. Blok (1969). Van randstad tot landrand. Toelichting bij de kaart: dialecten en naamkunde. Bijdragen en mededelingen der Dialectencommissie van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam 37, Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche uitgevers maatschappij.

Meer, Ad van der and Onno Boonstra (2011). Repertorium van Nederlandse gemeenten vanaf 1812, waaraan toegevoegd: de Amsterdamse code. 2de editie. [Den Haag: DANS.] (DANS Data Guides, 2).



REST interface to janpieterk/gemeentekaart-core







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