This repository contains the firmware and gerber files for the open source DAVEga. For DAVEGA X (not open source), please go to
DAVEga (The VEsc GAuge/GAdget), or Dave for short, displays speed, battery capacity, traveled distance and other useful info retrieved from a VESC based controller.
This repository contains the DAVEga firmware. The gerber files can be downloaded from the gerbers directory or from EasyEDA.
There's a story behind the name, but it's a long one. It all started on esk8 builders. Here's some highlights from the discussion.
- speedometer
- odometer
- current trip
- total traveled distance
- remaining battery capacity
- battery voltage
- battery amp-hours remaining
- VESC fault codes
- metric or imperial units
- Arduino compatible FW
- low HW cost (~$10)
- known to work well with the VESC FW v3.48 and v3.40
- previous versions not tested but should work as well unless too old
- FOCBOX Unity supported
The firmware has to be configured for a particular e-skate. At the very least, the information about the wheel size, gearing, and the battery pack has to be provided.
- Open the Arduino IDE.
- Install the TFT_22_ILI9225 library.
- Go to and do
Clone or download > Download ZIP
. - Open the Arduino IDE and do
Sketch > Include Library > Add ZIP file...
Then select the downloaded ZIP file.
- Go to and do
- Download DAVEga firmware from releases and unzip to your Arduino project directory (typically
). - Open the davega.ino from Arduino IDE to load the project.
- Go to the davega_config.h tab and adjust the configuration to your needs.
- Connect DAVEga to your computer using a USB-UART adapter. Make sure you have drivers for the adapter installed. The DIY kit comes with the CP2102 based adapter.
- Under Tools, select:
- Board: Arduino Nano
- Processor: ATmega328P
- Port: the port to which the USB-UART is connected (e.g.
for CP2102 adapter on a Mac)
- Upload.
In the VESC Tool set:
- App Settings > General > App to Use: PPM and UART
- App Settings > UART > Baudrate: 115200 bps
DAVEga firmware and hardware design is released under GNU GPL v3.
3D-printable DAVEga enclosures are available on the Thingiverse.
- DAVEga video presentation (first prototype)
- DAVEga thread at esk8 builders forum
- DAVEga assembly video
- DAVEga cable tips:
- DAVEga on Arduino Nano
- DAVEga coding crash course
- DAVEga kits for purchase
- DAVEga SLA printed case for purchase
- DAVEga 2.0" display purchase links
- AliExpress (verified seller)
- Amazon (faster delivery but more expensive)
- VESC project
- DAVEGA X (more advanced commercial version of DAVEGA)