Releases: jaryncolbert/recurse-world-map
Releases · jaryncolbert/recurse-world-map
Add Responsive Styling w/ Bootstrap 4
This release adds an initial set of styling properties, mainly using Bootstrap conventions. There is now a Navbar and Footer, and the search input was moved up into the Navbar to maximize the space for the map (#20).
De-Dupe Geolocation Information
This release ensures geolocation information is unique so that no location markers are hidden due to overlapping.
- #10: Updated API script to reuse sessions to cut down on calls to RC API.
- #16: Enabled aliases to map locations with the same lat/long information to be displayed as the one with the most RC users present.
- #19: Added spinners to indicate when the location search result and/or the map is loading.
- Miscellaneous:
- Renamed RC API and geolocation scripts for clarity.
Heroku Deployment
This release marks the setup and first Heroku deployment to make the app available at
- Incorporated OAuth with RC auth server to require authorization before viewing location data.
- #8: Added stint and RC affiliation information next to names in location popups.
- Utilized Leafet
functions to ensure default map displays all markers regardless of window size. - Miscellaneous:
- Formatted with Pylint
- Added more detail to the setup instructions to describe GeoNames registration
- Cleared inputs, popups when Reset button is pressed
- Added routes for manifest, favicon
v1.0.0 - Demo'd at the RC Thursday Presentations
This release contains all the features that I demo'd at the Recurse Center's open presentations forum on Thursday, June 27.
At the demo, the map contained these core features and was able to:
- Vary sizes for markers and clusters based on population
- Allow autocompleting location names from the Recurse Center API Locations endpoint
- Zoom to location and pop-up location information upon completion of a search
- Serve OpenStreetMap tiles on a Leaflet map via with React
- Serve backend API with Flask / Python backend, pulling from the RC API Profiles endpoint
- Geocode locations with the GeoNames geocoder via GeoPy