javadog is my apcs repo written in java!
feel free to look through my (really bad) labs
my notes written on a blank txt file -- feel free to look through them
my notes are a historical archive of a time when I wrote about three lines of "notes" for a full lecture -- i use a notebook now
there was no lab 0 -- this just relieves my 0-index anxiety
- basic reconstruction of ArrayList
- binary search algo
- blueprint for an alphabetized SuperArray
- extends from lab01
- throw exception
- used binary search insertionSort to add strings into the right place
- made a wordsearch in the terminal using text from another file
- taking arguments from terminal
- file scanning and reading
- try except blocks -- i absolutely abused these to avoid hard coding cases
- Math.random()
- random.nextInt()
- consistency in random-seeds
- String methods, but treated the String as if it were reversed
- implementation of interfaces(CharSequence)
- system by which books in a library can be classified and checked out by people, as well as display information on the book
- implements Comparable
- extending different types of books from each other
- makes SuperArray from lab01 an Iterable object
- made an Iterator
- implements Iterator, Iterable
- converts a zip into a barcode & has static methods to convert the zips and barcodes into each other
- implements Comparable
- variety of sorting algos
- selectionSort
- finds min value and swaps it to the first unsorted spot
- insertionSort
- sorts the next element of the set into the previously sorted set (starting from ary[0] as sorted)
- bubbleSort
- takes each element and moves it until it reaches the last sorted element or a number greater than itself
- gui window converting between celcius and farenheit
- extends JFrame
- implements EventsListener
- uses swing and awt