Hello there, I'm Javier. Just a chilean guy that like to study spin system and do software from time to time.
Working at INACH and studying a glaciology master degree.
You can contact me sending an email to javier.norambuenal(*)sansano.usm.cl (replace * by @).
- VqePy: Python library that implement a interface to construct spin model representantions and execute variational quantum algorithms.
- The available models are Molecules, Fermi-Hubbard and spin models.
- The available methods are VQE.
- SpinSim.jl: Julia package that allow to construct matrix representations of spin models and compute some quatities of interest.
- SMMCodes: Repository with scripts to simulate different SMM and their differents properties.
- C++ quantum circuit: My implementation of a quantum circuit in C++ having a small set of gates.