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Neovim plugin based on Spring Initializr written in Lua


  • These dependencies are required to be installed: curl, jq, unzip.
  • Old Spring Boot and Java versions could be used in this plugin unlike Spring Initializr.
  • Default selected values could be changed by the user.
  • Dependencies with autocomplete libraries.
  • This plugin has been developed on and for Linux following open source philosophy.
  • Initially this plugin was made in Rust here, but for simplicity it was migrated to Lua and Bash




use {
    requires = {
    run = function()


    lazy = true,
    cmd = { "Springtime", "SpringtimeUpdate" },
    dependencies = {
    build = function()
    opts = {
        -- This section is optional
        -- If you want to change default configurations
        -- In packer.nvim use require'springtime'.setup { ... }
        -- Springtime popup section
        spring = {
            -- Project: Gradle, Gradle Kotlin and Maven (Gradle default)
            project = {
                selected = 1
            -- Language: Java, Kotlin and Groovy (Java default)
            language = {
                selected = 1
            -- Packaging: Jar and War (Jar default)
            packaging = {
                selected = 1
            -- Project Metadata defaults:
            -- Change the default values as you like
            -- This can also be edited in the popup
            project_metadata = {
                group = "com.example",
                artifact = "demo",
                name = "demo",
                package_name = "com.example.demo",
                version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

        -- Some popup options
        dialog = {
            -- The keymap used to select radio buttons (normal mode)
            selection_keymap = "<C-Space>",

            -- The keymap used to generate the Spring project (normal mode)
            generate_keymap = "<C-CR>",

            -- If you want confirmation before generate the Spring project
            confirmation = true,

            -- Highlight links to Title and sections for changing colors
            style = {
                title_link = "Boolean",
                section_link = "Type"

        -- Workspace is where the generated Spring project will be saved
        workspace = {
            -- Default where Neovim is open
            path = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h"),
            -- Spring Initializr generates a zip file
            -- Decompress the file by default
            decompress = true,

            -- If after generation you want to open the folder
            -- Opens the generated project in Neovim by default
            open_auto = true

        -- This could be enabled for debugging purposes
        -- Generates a springtime.log with debug and errors.
        internal = {
            log_debug = false


  • Once Springtime is enabled. You can execute the command :Springtime to open the popup
  • Considerations:
    • Visual Mode is disabled.
    • Insert Mode is only enable to edit Project Metadata and Dependencies
    • To select radio buttons use default Ctrl + Space in Normal mode (or configure it like opts above)
    • To generate a project use default Ctrl + CR in Normal mode (or configure it like opts above)
    • Dependencies has autocomplete libraries


NOTE: The colorscheme umbra from nvim-nyctophilia is used in this image

  • By default Spring Boot versions and Java versions are extracted from Spring Initializr. For instance, if you want to use Spring Boot 2.X and Java 11 among others:
-- Example lazy.nvim
opts = {
    spring = {
        spring_boot = {
            selected = 3,
            values = {
        java_version = {
            selected = 2,
            values = { 17, 11, 8 }
  • You would get this:


NOTE: The colorscheme umbra from nvim-nyctophilia is used in this image

List of commands:

Command Description
:Springtime This command will open Springtime
:SpringtimeLogs This command will open a buffer with the generated plugin logs
:SpringtimeUpdate This command will update the libraries and Spring settings

Troubleshooting and recommendations

Springtime update recommendation

This plugin will download all the Spring libraries names, Java versions and Spring Boot versions used at the time when building. There is no process to update these files daily, so to match always to Spring Initializr you can do the following:

  • Execute the command :SpringtimeUpdate to update the aforementioned files every time you want.
  • Or delegates this updating process to the package manager. So the upgrade is made every time this plugin is loaded. Example in lazy.nvim:
-- lazy.nvim
config = {

Springtime problems

  • Check the logs with the command ':SpringtimeLogs'.
  • Enable the debug and errors log to check for any other problems. And please, report it here
  • Enable logs:
require'springtime'.setup {
    internal = {
        log_debug = true

-- OR in lazy.nvim
opts = {
    internal = {
        log_debug = true


  • Bitcoin (QR) 1GqdJ63RDPE4eJKujHi166FAyigvHu5R7v