A simple rendering engine based on FRP.
- Definitions for signals using clojure.core.async, not yet fully functional
- Definitions for openGL callbacks instances generated on the fly and properly released
- A clojure version of the LWJGL example
- boot.clj - please install boot.clj and add it to your system PATH in order to be able to follow the usage directions below.
Obtained by boot.clj:
- LWJGL native libraries -- beware, we download libraries for Linux, OSX and Windows for lack of a way to check what your OS is.
- PNGDecoder
boot repl
: launch a standard clojure REPL(boot (build))
: build the project(boot (run))
: start the Embla engine
We provide macros that allow you to interact with Embla. These can be nested as much as desired, to build complex models in a single REPL submission.
You may also create a file regrouping macro calls and call (load-file <your_file>) within the REPL to achieve the same effect.
See the file src/clj/embla/examples.clj
for a quick and dirty example of model and signal interaction. You can require the file to get a working example : (use 'clj.embla.examples) in your REPL will take care of everything for you.
(defgom name)
creates a GOM with root node ID name
. Error if name
is not a String.
(defrect {
:x x
:y y
:length l
:height h
:id ID
Creates a "Rectangle" node you can add to the GOM, with top left corner (x, y), height and length respectively h and l, and node identifier ID. All arguments are integers, except ID, which is a String.
(defcircle {
:x x
:y y
:radius r
:id ID
Creates a "Circle" node you can add to the GOM, with center (x, y), radius r, and node identifier ID. All arguments are integers, except ID, which is a String.
(add-children target children)
Adds nodes in children (may be a list or a single element) to target.
We provide a timer signal emitting an integer representing time, as well as a keyboard-input signal emitting the string corresponding to the key pressed.
(defsig name channel) ;; creates an embla signal.
(defsigf name code) ;; registers a code snippet to the named signal
(combine name1 name2 code) ;; combine signals name1 and name2, manage input
;; signals with snippet code
The (broadcast-all)
function is the main function to connect signals : after registering functions to signals with (defsigf)
, use (broadcast-all)
to transmit informations from the signal to the function. (broadcast-all)
is required for every new function registered to a signal.
- Sprites - not unavailable for lack of finding a way to display them in a way that reflects the rest of the shapes
Distributed under the MIT License.