A processor which checks open PRs, verifies whether they are mergeable and triggers a given Hudson job in order to merge them. It also checks the status of the latest merge on Hudson, post comments on github, etc.
Way to invoke
-s streams to be processed, this should list streams and components that should be scrutinized. It must contain comma separated list of stream and components belonging to stream: streamName[comp1,comp2],stream2Name[comp3,comp4]. Check jboss streams for ids.
-p : defines streams and components that are eligible to be written into. This is selective write permission. It has the same structure as list in -s. If it is not present, it defaults to -s
-w: true or false - determine if write permission has been granted
-f: file path where processor can write output report in HTML format if it supports it
Example: java -jar -Daphrodite.config=${PULL_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_HOME}/aphrodite-test.json -Dstreams.json=${PULL_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_HOME}/streams.json ${PULL_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_HOME}/target/pull-processor-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -s jboss-eap-7.0.z[jbossas-jboss-eap7,jbossas-wildfly-core-eap] -p jboss-eap-7.0.z[jbossas-jboss-eap7,jbossas-wildfly-core-eap] -f ${PULL_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_HOME}/report.html -w false