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Finite State Machine in pure functional programming

My first application in Haskell for learning Haskell. Haskell is pure FP language which implies no side effect. Although FSM contains the name state, it can be implemented in pure FP such as Haskell.

An FSM can be implemented in pure FP easily according to this function

transit :: State -> Event -> State

In FP applications, the key is the algebraic design (or called Type Driven Development) specific to the business domain. The electronic pet is an FSM - when the current State is applied the user input including no input (Event), it will transit to another State.

Core algebraic data types

To make the description simple, detailed programing constructs are not mentioned here. Please refer to the source for more details.

The State types refer to the stages the pet has to undergo and the properties possessed by each stage. To make the life simpler, I only define 4 stages as follows.

data Stage = Egg | Chicken | Adult | Elder

The Event types are user input.

data Input = IncreaseTemp | DecreaseTemp | Feed | Play | Medication | Bed | Sing

Not all Input types are applicable to each Stage. E.g. IncreaseTemp and DecreaseTemp are used to changing the egg's temperature during hatching, they are applicable to Egg only. A function inputsByState is used to provide the appropriate inputs for the user according to the current Stage and the properties possessed by it.

Auxiliary algebraic data types

They represent the properties possessed by each Stage.

data Health = Dead | Sick | Weak | Fair | Healthy | Hardy

data Fullness = Full { fullnessTime :: UTCTime } |
                SoSo { fullnessTime :: UTCTime } |
                Hungry { fullnessTime :: UTCTime }

data Status = Sleeping { statusTime :: UTCTime } | Awake { statusTime :: UTCTime }

data PooAmount = PooAmount { pooTime :: UTCTime, poo :: Int }
data Mood = Mood { moodTime :: UTCTime, moodValue :: Int}
data Fatigue = Fatigue { fatigueTime :: UTCTime, fatigueValue :: Int }

For the common data types possesed by different Stage and the functions using them, please refer to

For the types modelling the Stage and the functions using them, please refer to

Rule of the game

The basic idea is similar to the commercial game - goes through several stages in the lifecycle. User needs to enter appropriate input to keep it alive and growing. If the user doesn't enter input for certain period of time inputTimeout or enter an invalid input, it will proceed to another state accordingly. When it's sleeping, it doesn't want to be disturbed and user is not allowed to enter input. To make the game simple, there are only 4 stages - Egg, Chicken, Adult and Elder. Since each stage has different behaviour and properties, the available inputs are not the same in all stages.


Egg should be kept for a certain temperature to be hatched. Temperature can be raised to speed up the hatching. But there is a max. allowed temperature fatalMaxTemp. Exceeding this limit or leave it for certain period of time fatalTempSecs will cook the egg. Similarly there is a min. allowed temperature fatalMinTemp.

Available inputs:

  • IncreaseTemp,
  • DecreaseTemp


Its behaviour:

  • Getting hungry or digesting the feeding to produce poo, gain weight/length or health weakened from hungry after certain period of time digestFullnessSecs.
  • Health weakened after constipated for certain period of time pooLimitSecs.
  • Mood downgraded after being ignored for certain period of time decreaseMoodSecs.
  • Health weakened after depressed for certain period of time depressSecs.
  • Getting more tired after being awake for a long time.
  • Health weakened after being fatigue for certain period of time fatigueSecs.
  • Will poop when its poo amount reach pooLimit. However, sometimes it does not poop itself even the amount reaches pooLimit. This aims to show it is capable to downgrade the health after being constipated for pooLimitSec.
  • Go to sleep when its fatigue reach fatigueLimit. However, sometimes it does not sleep itself even the fatigue reaches fatigueLimit. This aims to show it is capable to downgrade the health after being fatigue for fatigueSecs.
  • Transit to Adult when it reaches the specified age.

Available inputs:

  • Feed - change its fullness which subsequently affect how it behaves after certain period of time digestFullnessSecs.
  • Play - depends on its current state, this input may make it digest to gain or loss weight, become taller, produce more poo but also happier and healthier.
  • Medication - this input is available only when it's sick.
  • Bed - it will refuse to sleep if it has been awakened for < maxAwakeSecs. The difference from it sleeps itself is: when you put it to bed, it will sleep only it has been awaken for maxAwakeSecs without caring its fatigue level. On the other hand, it will sleep itself only only if its fatigue reaches fatigueLimit without caring if it has been awaken for maxAwakeSecs.


Similar to Chicken except the parameters are different. It has 1 more option Sing to make it happy.


Similar to Chicken except the parameters are different. Additional behaviour:

  • Health is weakened automatically after certain period of time weakerInSecs.
  • Limited # of medication.

How to run it?

To build it, run stack build and run stack exec fsm-purefp-exe to execute it.

How to run the unit-test?

Under FsmInPureFP folder, run command stack build FsmInPureFP:FsmInPureFP-tests

Parameters to be tuned


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