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Gazebo Fortress ROS 2 simulation for the waypoint and planner tools


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ROS 2 sim_wayp_plan_tools package

Gazebo Fortress ROS 2 simulation for the waypoint and planner tools.


Packages and build

It is assumed that the workspace is ~/ros2_ws/.

Clone the packages

cd ~/ros2_ws/src && \
git clone && \
git clone

Build ROS 2 packages

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --packages-select wayp_plan_tools sim_wayp_plan_tools --symlink-install

Usage of wayp_plan_tools as a simulation

1. Start the simulation

ign gazebo -v 4 -r ackermann_steering.sdf

2. Start the Gazebo bridge

Don't forget to source before ROS commands.

source ~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch sim_wayp_plan_tools

In the background this launch file starts nodes similar to:

ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /world/ackermann_steering/pose/info@geometry_msgs/msg/PoseArray[ignition.msgs.Pose_V
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel@geometry_msgs/msg/Twist]ignition.msgs.Twist
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /model/vehicle_blue/odometry@nav_msgs/msg/Odometry[ignition.msgs.Odometry --ros-args -r /model/vehicle_blue/odometry:=/odom

More about the bridge here:

Also this launch creates /tf from the PoseArray with pose_arr_to_tf.

Optional: teleoperation via keyboard

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel

3. Load waypoints

Use you ROS 2 workspace as file_dir:

ros2 run wayp_plan_tools waypoint_loader --ros-args -p file_name:=sim_waypoints1.csv -p file_dir:=$HOME/ros2_ws/src/sim_wayp_plan_tools/csv -r __ns:=/sim1

Or simply with default parameters:

ros2 launch sim_wayp_plan_tools

4. Waypoint to target

ros2 run wayp_plan_tools waypoint_to_target --ros-args -p lookahead_min:=2.5 -p lookahead_max:=4.5 -p mps_alpha:=1.5 -p mps_beta:=3.5 -p waypoint_topic:=waypointarray -p tf_frame_id:=base_link -p tf_child_frame_id:=map -r __ns:=/sim1

Or simply with default parameters:

ros2 launch sim_wayp_plan_tools

5. Start a control

There are some options:

  • single_goal_pursuit: Pure pursuit (for vehicles / robots), a simple cross-track error method
  • multiple_goal_pursuit: Multiple goal pursuit for vehicles / robots an implementation of our paper
  • stanley_control: Stanley controller, a heading error + cross-track error method
  • follow_the_carrot: Follow-the-carrot, the simplest controller

This is a pure pursuit example:

ros2 run wayp_plan_tools single_goal_pursuit --ros-args -p cmd_topic:=/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel -p wheelbase:=1.0 -p waypoint_topic:=targetpoints -r __ns:=/sim1

Or simply with default parameters:

ros2 launch sim_wayp_plan_tools

6. Visualize results in RViz2

ros2 launch sim_wayp_plan_tools

Or run everything with a single command

After ign gazebo -v 4 -r ackermann_steering.sdf (terminal 1) and source ~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash (terminal 2), run this command (also in terminal 2):

ros2 launch sim_wayp_plan_tools


Kill ign gazebo server if stuck:

ps aux | grep ign
ab  12345 49.9  1.2 2412624 101608 ?      Sl   08:26  27:20 ign gazebo server
ab  12346  518  6.6 10583664 528352 ?     Sl   08:26 283:45 ign gazebo gui
ab  12347  0.0  0.0   9396  2400 pts/2    S+   09:21   0:00 grep --color=auto ign

Once you have identified the PID, use the kill command followed by the PID to terminate the process. For example:

kill 12345