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A Client-driven Docker Container Image Builder



Docker 1.8.0 will introduce a new API endpoint for copying files and directories into a container. With this addition, anyone can now implement their own build system using the Docker Remote API. Dockramp is the first proof of concept for an alternative to docker build.

  • No context uploads

    Builds will no longer wait to begin while your client uploads a (sometimes large) context directory to the Docker daemon. In Dockramp, files and directories are only transfered when they need to be: on a COPY or EXTRACT instruction. You'll notice that builds start much faster than they ever would have using docker build.

  • Efficient layering and caching

    Most build instructions are only used to specify metadata and other options for how to run your container, but docker build creates a new filesystem layer for each of these instructions - requiring you to wait while a potentially expensive filesystem commit is performed and an unnecessary filesystem layer is created.

    Dockramp differentiates these instructions from others and only performs filesystem commits after instructions which typically do modify the filesystem: COPY, EXTRACT, and RUN. All other instructions may be combined together and expensive commits are only performed when needed.

    Cache lookups are also more efficient: build cache data is stored locally rather than on the Docker daemon so that the client can decide what set of changes map to a specific image ID. These lookups can be done in constant time, while docker build cache lookups iterate over all image layers and get noticeably slower the more images you have installed.

  • More expressive and extensible Dockerfile syntax

    The existing Dockerfile syntax has served many developers well for over 2 years, but is also limitting to those who wish to have more options for some build instructions.

    Dockramp rethinks some of the design decisions of Docker's Dockerfile syntax and offers a more familiar way of scripting a build for anyone who has ever written a shell script: no more cascading line continuations or alternative JSON syntax, just simple space separated or quoted arguments and even heredoc support for more complex RUN instructions.

    See the Dockerfile Syntax section below for examples and notable differences from Docker's Dockerfile syntax.


Visit the release page to get a binary for the latest version on your OS/Arch. If you'd rather compile it yourself (like I would), you just need git and go:

mkdir -p $project_dir
git clone $project_dir
GOPATH="$project_dir/Godeps/_workspace:$HOME/dockramp" go build -o /usr/local/bin/dockramp


Invoking dockramp with no other arguments will use the current directory as the build context and use the file named "Dockerfile" in the current directory for build intstructions.

$ # Executes the Dockerfile in this repository.
$ dockramp 
Step 0: FROM golang:1.4.2
Step 1: MAINTAINER "Josh Hawn <> (github:jlhawn)"
Step 2: ENV PROJ_DIR /go/src/
Step 3: RUN sh -c "mkdir -p $PROJ_DIR"
 ---> 0744c1be2f5fb40c355bace595171c180f2a7b2d19ec15e0c92da2fa0c1d7198
Step 4: COPY . /go/src/
 ---> 8a40aa285e0ecc70ba5361085ef2faf0e755a8dbf7f2224b377c5c0035dc22a5
Step 5: RUN sh
	export GOPATH="$PROJ_DIR/Godeps/_workspace:$GOPATH"
	go build -o /usr/local/bin/dockramp

 ---> 029e66e2587118f5f6c5176da65ffbde3b501b25136a637c3d700ee369104374
Successfully built 029e66e2587118f5f6c5176da65ffbde3b501b25136a637c3d700ee369104374

You can use the -C flag to specify a directory to use as the build context. You can also specify any Dockerfile with the -f flag (this file does not need to be within the context directory!).

dockramp also supports many of the standard options used by docker and uses many of the same environment variables and configuration files used by docker as well. Here is the full list of currently supported arguments:

$ dockramp --help
Usage of dockramp:
  --cacert="": Trust certs signed only by this CA
  --cert="": TLS client certificate
  --key="": TLS client key
  --tls=false: Use TLS client cert/key (implied by --tlsverify)
  --tlsverify=true: Use TLS and verify the remote server certificate
  -C=".": Build context directory
  -H="": Docker daemon socket/host to connect to
  -d=false: enable debug output
  -f="": Path to Dockerfile
  -t="": Repository name (and optionally a tag) for the image

Dockerfile Syntax

While the original Dockerfile parser used by docker build simply scans for complete (unescaped) lines and parses each instruction arbitrarily based on the command, the Dockerfile parser in Dockramp is a more traditional parser which processes tokens from the input Dockerfile into instructions of positional arguments.

The Dockerfile syntax used by Dockramp aims to be simple and familiar: a subset of unix shell syntax. Each instruction has a name, optional flag arguments, and positional arguments.


  • Whitespace

    Unquoted whitespace is ignored, but is used to delimit arguments to instructions. Whitespace includes: literal space ( ), form feed (\f), carriage return (\r), horizontal tab (\t), vertical tab (\v), or a newline (\n) character escaped using a backslash (\).

  • Comments

    Comments are specified using a hash or pound (#) character and cause the remainder of that line to be ignored.

  • Newlines

    A newline character (\n) is used to end an instruction. Empty lines and lines containing only whitespace are ignored.

  • Arguments

    Instructions are whitespace delimited and arguments can can be single or double quoted strings allowing for arguments which contain whitespace.

    • Single Quoted String

      A single quoted string is evaluated to be the literal value of the sequence of characters between two single quotes ('). Any character (including a newline) that is not a single quote may be included in the string. No escape processing is done on single quoted strings.

    • Double Quoted String

      A double quoted string is evaluated to be the value of the sequence of characters between two double quotes (") with some escape sequence processing. Any character (including a newline) that is not a double quote (unless it is escaped first as in \") may appear between the double quotes. An escaped double quote character is replaced with a double quote. An escaped backslash is replaced with a single backslash. An escaped newline is replaced with nothing. No other escape processing is done.

    • Raw Argument

      A raw argument is a sequence of one or more characters that are not already specified above meaning no hash (#), single (') or double (") quote character, < (used by heredocs), and any whitespace character. However, any of these characters may be escaped by a backslash \ character. Escaped sequences are replaced with the escaped character, except for escaped newlines which are replaced with nothing.

    Quoted tokens that are not separated by whitespace are joined into a single argument value. For example, hel"lo wo"'rld!' is evaluated into a single argument hello world!.

  • Heredocs

    Some instructions, such as RUN, can accept an input stream in the form of a heredoc. A heredoc is specified as the last argument to an instruction in the form << and followed immediately by an alphanumeric delimiting term such as << EOF or << END. This opens the heredoc.

    The following lines will contain the literal text to be used as input to the instruction. If the heredoc was opened using <<- rather than << then leading tab characters of each line will be ignored, allowing for indentation of a heredoc without changing its value.

    A heredoc is closed by the delimiting term appearing alone on its own line (no leading or trailing whitespace).


All instruction names are case insensitive, i.e, RUN and run are considered equivalent. However, all-caps is still the preferred form.

  • ADD

    Not supported. For extracting a tar archive to a directory in the container use the EXTRACT instruction instead. Downloading a resource from a URL into the container is planned to be supported soon via some other instruction.

  • CMD

    Provide default arguments to a container's Entrypoint.

    CMD arg ...
    • Accepts zero or more arguments.
  • COPY

    Copy a file or directory from the build context to a location in the container.

    COPY source destination
    • Requires exactly 2 arguments.
    • source is relative to the build context directory.
    • destination is an absolute path in the container.

    Specify the file to execute and any permanent arguments when running the container.

    ENTRYPOINT arg ...
    • Accepts zero or more arguments.
  • ENV

    Set an environment variable for when the container runs.

    ENV key value
    • Requires exactly 2 arguments.

    Expose a tcp or udp port in the container to the network.

    EXPOSE portspec
    • Requires exactly 1 argument.

    Extract a tar archive to a directory inside the container.

    EXTRACT source destination
    • Requires exactly 2 arguments.
    • source is relative to the build context directory.
    • destination is an absolute path in the container and must be an existing directory.
  • FROM

    Use the specified image as the base container image to build from.

    FROM imagespec
    • Requires exactly 1 argument.
    • scratch is used to indicate that the build should start with an empty container filesystem.

    Add metadata to the container image.

    LABEL key value
    • Requires exactly 2 arguments.

    Specify the author of the resulting container image.

    MAINTAINER name_and_info
    • Requires exactly 1 argument.

    Not supported.

  • RUN

    Execute a command inside of a container.

    RUN arg ...
    • Requires at least 1 argument.
    • Can use a heredoc to specify stdin to the command.
  • USER

    Set the username or UID to use when running the container.

    USER userspec
    • Requires exactly 1 argument.

    Create a mount point inside the container.

    VOLUME path
    • Requires exactly 1 argument.

    Set the working directory for the container.

    WORKDIR directory
    • Requires exactly 1 argument.
    • directory is an absolute path inside the container.


  • Handle .dockerignore.
  • Resolve tag references to digest references using Notary before image pulls.
  • Implement various options (via flags) to many Dockerfile instructions.


A Client Driven Docker Image Builder







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