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ShareLive is DAW's TFG project which is a website for renting apartments for students, where you can publish, view apartments and leave your reviews of your flatmates.


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Sharelive TFG

Project Link 🌐

Access to the website here -> Sharelive


Table of Contents

General Info

Sharelive is a web application oriented to the search and publication of room rental ads. The platform stands out for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, allowing users to filter their searches by various criteria such as price, size, location, among others.

Sharelive's main objective is to help students, workers and anyone who needs to move home to find a room for rent quickly and easily. Sharelive seeks to simplify the process of searching and posting room listings, providing an accessible and efficient platform for both renters and landlords.

Entity Relationship Diagram



Project is created with:




HTML CSS Tailwind CSS JavaScript React Vite Babel Node.js Express MongoDB REST Git GitHub npm Postman



  1. Node.js and npm installed
  2. MySQL installed and configured

Steps to Start the Application

To clone and run this applicaion, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on you computer.

Next you will have to create a MongoDB Atlas database and copy the Cluster's URL

This is an example of what the MongoDB URL would look like

  • Copy the URL to the ENV file on /backend/.env.development

Clone the repository and start the project

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd sharelive

# Install dependencies on the Server and Client
$ cd frontend && npm i --force
$ cd ../backend && npm i

# Run the app
$ npm run dev // On the Client and Server

Project Structure

├── frontend/
│ ├── public/
│ │ └── ... (React public files)
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── assets/
│ │ │ ├── img/
│ │ │ ├── logos/
│ │ │ ├── vectors/
│ │ │ └── lottifiles/
│ │ ├── components/
│ │ │ ├── commons/
│ │ │ └── ... (React components)
│ │ ├── pages/
│ │ │ └── ... (React pages)
│ │ ├── constants/
│ │ ├── context/ (Custom Context)
│ │ ├── hooks/ (Custom Hooks)
│ │ ├── css/
│ │ ├── data/ (Mock Data)
│ │ ├── fonts/ (All Fonts)
│ │ ├── services/ (Backend Connections)
│ │ ├── utils/ (Global Functions)
│ │ ├── App.js
│ │ └── index.js
│ │
│ ├── .gitignore
│ ├── .env.development
│ ├── .env.production
│ ├── package.json
│ └──
├── backend/
│ ├── database/
│ ├── faker/ (Generate Fake Data)
│ ├── listeners/
│ │ └── ... ( connections)
│ ├── middlewares/
│ │ └── ... (Node.js middlewares)
│ ├── controllers/
│ │ └── ... (Node.js controllers)
│ ├── models/
│ │ └── ... (Database models)
│ ├── routes/
│ │ └── ... (Express routes)
│ ├── index.js
│ │
│ ├── .gitignore
│ ├── package.json
│ └──
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
└── ...


Welcome to the Sharelive RESTful API. This API provides access to the management of all available resources.

Base URL

The API will only be accessible from the web, access from outside the url is prohibited for security reasons. In localhost you can make requests from outside the web.


To access certain resources, authentication is required. Be sure to include the x-access-token header with a valid token in the relevant requests.



  • POST /auth/signin: Sign in a user. Returns a JSON object with the user's data and a token. Requires a JSON object with the user's data.
  • POST /auth/signup: Sign up a new user. Returns a JSON object with the new user's data and a token. Requires a JSON object with the user's data.


  • GET /messages/:from/:to: Get all messages between two users. Returns a JSON array of messages sorted by creation date. Each message includes _id, fromSelf (a boolean indicating if the message is from the requesting user), message, and createdAt.
  • POST /messages: Create a new message. Returns a JSON object with the new message's data. Requires a JSON object with from (sender ID), to (recipient ID), and message (message content).


  • GET /reviews/:id: Get all reviews for a user. Returns a JSON array of reviews. Requires the user ID as a URL parameter.
  • POST /reviews: Create a new review. Returns a JSON object with the new review's data. Requires a JSON object with ownerId, assignedId, reviewRate, and reviewContent.
  • PUT /reviews/:id: Update a review by ID. Returns a JSON object with the updated review's data. Requires a JSON object with ownerId, ownerName, ownerAvatar, reviewRate, reviewContent, helpful, and notHelpful.
  • DELETE /reviews/:id: Delete a review by ID. Returns a JSON object with a success message. Requires the review ID as a URL parameter.


  • GET /rooms: Get all rooms. Returns a JSON array of all rooms.
  • GET /rooms/:id: Get a room by ID. Returns a JSON object with the room's data.
  • POST /rooms: Create a new room. Returns a JSON object with the new room's data. Requires a JSON object with the room's data.
  • PUT /rooms/:id: Update a room by ID. Returns a JSON object with the updated room's data. Requires a JSON object with the room's data.
  • DELETE /rooms/:id: Delete a room by ID. Returns a JSON object with the deleted room's data.
  • POST /rooms/:id/images: Upload images for a room. Returns a JSON array of the uploaded images' URLs. Requires a form-data object with the images.
  • DELETE /rooms/:id/images: Delete images for a room. Returns a JSON object with a success message. Requires a JSON object with the images' URLs to delete.
  • GET /rooms/:id/visits: Increment and get the visit count for a room. Returns a JSON object with the updated visit count.


  • GET /users: Get all users. Returns a JSON array of all users.
  • GET /users/:id: Get a user by ID. Returns a JSON object with the user's data.
  • POST /users: Create a new user. Returns a JSON object with the new user's data. Requires a JSON object with the user's data.
  • PUT /users/:id: Update a user by ID. Returns a JSON object with the updated user's data. Requires a JSON object with the user's data.
  • DELETE /users/:id: Delete a user by ID. Returns a JSON object with the deleted user's data.
  • POST /users/:id/avatar: Upload an avatar for a user. Returns a JSON object with the user's data, including the new avatar URL. Requires a form-data object with the avatar image.
  • PUT /users/:id/password: Change a user's password. Returns a JSON object with the updated user's data. Requires a JSON object with the current and new passwords.
  • GET /users/:id/rooms: Get all rooms created by a user. Returns a JSON array of the user's rooms.
  • GET /users/:id/favourite-rooms: Get all favourite rooms of a user. Returns a JSON array of the user's favourite rooms.
  • POST /users/:id/favourite-rooms: Toggle a favourite room for a user. Returns a JSON object with the updated user's data. Requires a JSON object with the room ID.
  • GET /users/contacts: Get the contact list of the current user. Returns a JSON array of the user's contacts.
  • POST /users/:id/contacts: Add a user to the contact list. Returns a JSON object with the updated user's data. Requires a JSON object with the contact ID.
  • DELETE /users/contacts/:contactId: Delete a user from the contact list. Returns a JSON object with the updated user's data.


  • GET /statistics/rooms: Get statistics about rooms. Returns a JSON object with the total number of rooms, total visits to rooms, and total number of rooms marked as favorites.
  • GET /statistics/reviews: Get statistics about reviews. Returns a JSON object with the total number of reviews and the average review rate.
  • GET /statistics/weekly: Get weekly statistics. Returns a JSON object with the number of new users, new rooms, and new reviews for the past week.
  • GET /statistics/activities/:limit?: Get activity logs. Returns a JSON array of activity logs, limited by the optional limit parameter.

Key Features

User Features

  • View rooms: Browse through available rooms.
  • Filter rooms: Filter rooms by price range, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, structure type, square meters, and amenities such as microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.
  • Sort results: Sort room listings by newest, lowest price, or highest price.
  • Change room layout: Switch between grid and list view for room listings.
  • View room details: Access detailed information and photos of each room.
  • Save favorites: Save favorite rooms for future reference.
  • Share rooms: Share room listings via WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Message room owner: Communicate with room owners through the integrated messaging system connected via socket.
  • View street scores: Check street scores for walking, driving, and cycling.
  • View owner profile: Explore the profile of room owners, including their posted rooms and reviews.
  • Message owner: Send messages to room owners directly from their profile.
  • View owner's published rooms: Access a list of all rooms published by a specific owner.
  • View owner's reviews: Read reviews received by a room owner, and sort them as per preference.
  • Write reviews: Write reviews for rooms and vote on existing reviews (requires login).
  • Login/Register: Log in or register to access features such as the dashboard, room creation, room management, profile modification, and message viewing.
  • Dashboard: Access a personalized dashboard to manage rooms, view reviews, modify profile, and check received messages.
  • Dark/Light mode switch: Toggle between light and dark mode for better readability.

Admin Features

  • View rooms: Browse through available rooms.
  • Filter rooms: Filter rooms by price range, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, structure type, square meters, and amenities such as microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.
  • Sort results: Sort room listings by newest, lowest price, or highest price.
  • Change room layout: Switch between grid and list view for room listings.
  • View room details: Access detailed information and photos of each room.
  • Save favorites: Save favorite rooms for future reference.
  • Share rooms: Share room listings via WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Message room owner: Communicate with room owners through the integrated messaging system connected via socket.
  • View street scores: Check street scores for walking, driving, and cycling.
  • View owner profile: Explore the profile of room owners, including their posted rooms and reviews.
  • Message owner: Send messages to room owners directly from their profile.
  • View owner's published rooms: Access a list of all rooms published by a specific owner.
  • View owner's reviews: Read reviews received by a room owner, and sort them as per preference.
  • Write reviews: Write reviews for rooms and vote on existing reviews (requires login).
  • Login/Register: Log in or register to access features such as the dashboard, room creation, room management, profile modification, and message viewing.
  • Dashboard: Access a personalized dashboard to manage rooms, view reviews, modify profile, and check received messages.
  • Dark/Light mode switch: Toggle between light and dark mode for better readability.
  • Manage users: View and administer all users, including changing their role to administrator or user, modifying any user's details, and deleting users.
  • Manage rooms: Edit, create, and delete any room listing.
  • Edit profile: Modify the admin's profile information.


This project is under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Campos Trujillo, José María - jmcamposdev

Hernandez Palma ,Carlos - carloshpdev

Bernal Barrionuevo, Carlos - caberbar


We appreciate the collaboration of IES Zaidín-Vergeles in this project.


ShareLive is DAW's TFG project which is a website for renting apartments for students, where you can publish, view apartments and leave your reviews of your flatmates.







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