To compile the application execute the following maven command from the terminal:
mvn clean package
How to run the application:
mvn appengine:run
Manage your HR Resources
This application allows you to register your company, add your responsible and your job offers.
Also candidates can register and subscribe to those job offers.
If you need to run a mvn clean package (because you need to enhance the model for example), then you might want to keep your local datastore
In your local environment the file local_db.bin represents the datastore, and is located under the WEB-INF appengine-generated directory.
You can generate the directory:
mkdir target/totalhrmanagement-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/appengine-generated
And copy a back up of the datastore:
cp local_db.bin target/totalhrmanagement-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/appengine-generated/.
How to deploy in gcloud: mvn gcloud:deploy
If you have a local installation of the CI/CD Teamcity server this is the way you start the server and the agent
Starting the Team City build server: /Applications/TeamCity/bin/ run
Starting the Team City build agent: /Applications/buildAgent/bin/ start
grep token /Applications/TeamCity/catalina.out