This allows use of glsl code from shadertoy in haxe flixel without needing to port it.
It's a hack, probably don't use this in your production code.
Demo here
Introduce the missing shadertoy uniforms to glFragmentSource.
Inject the shadertoy function before main function in the glFragmentSource.
Sync shadertoy uniforms with openfl uniforms in main function;
Call shadertoy function from main function to set gl_FragColor;
Update some uniforms each game loop update.
There's a neglible performance cost due to the extra uniforms and processing. Probably not enough to worry about.
However I encourage you to properly port shadertoy code using the openfl uniforms to a class which extends FlxShader. This will lets you define custom extra uniforms too!
haxelib git flixel-shadertoy-shader
Reference in project.xml
<haxelib name="flixel-shadertoy-shader" />
Check the sample
directory in this repo for a flixel project using this.
A minimal example is shown below with minimum requirements to run a FlxShaderToyHack.
class MinimalExampleState extends FlxState
var shader:FlxShaderToyHack;
override public function create()
// init FlxShaderToyHack with shadertoy compatible glsl function
// the example here colors every pixel green
shader = new FlxShaderToyHack('
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
float green = 1.0;
fragColor = vec4(0.0, green, 0.0, 1.0);
// set the camera filter (also works on FlxSprite shader)[new ShaderFilter(shader)]);
override public function update(elapsed:Float)
// call update on the shader to keep time etc up to date
shader.update(elapsed, FlxG.mouse);