A docker container running ffdiaporama (http://ffdiaporama.tuxfamily.org/)
Since it's no possible to run the current version of ffdiaporama on my Linux Mint 18.1 machine I built this Docker image to run it.
- ffdiaporama is run by a user with UID 1000
- the user is added to the
group to have access to the audio device ** this works fine on my Linux Mint 18.1 host running the container but may not work on different distributions when the id of the audio group is different - the directory
is passed as the user's home to the container
git clone https://github.com/joemat/docker-ffdiaporama
cd docker-ffdiaporama
## adjust build args for your needs
sudo docker build --build-arg USERNAME=ffdiaporama --build-arg AUDIOGROUP=29 --build-arg USERID=1000 --tag=ffdiaporama .
## Pass name of image to start to local version
sudo bash ./start_ffdiaporama.sh ffdiaporama
## Downloads and starts container from dockerhub if no parameter is passed
sudo bash ./start_ffdiaporama.sh
mkdir -p "$HOME/ffdiaporama"
xhost +localhost
sudo docker run --rm -it \
--net host \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--device /dev/snd \
--name ffdiaporama \
-v $HOME/ffdiaporama:/home/ffdiaporama \