Blog backend application with micro-services architecture & asynchronous communications using Kafka & Oauth2 Security & Hystrix & ELK
- Install docker in your local machine, go to dir where you store docker-compose file, and run docker-compose up -d to install and run containers
(you need to config docker compose based on your preferences) - Go to config folder, and add host names to your local machine at /etc/hosts
- Make sure you have jdk8 and tomcat running in your local machine
- Import the project to your Jetbrain Intellij IDEA to run those microservices
- eureka-server: the server providing service registry and discovery
- auth-server: Oauth2 Authorization server
- user-server: the server providing login, register, change password features
- blog-server: the server providing blog business service;
- email-server: the server used for sending email to user
- file-storage-server: the server used for uploading and downloading files
- zuul-gateway: api gateway
- all requests should go to gateway which is localhost:10000, base on which server you want access, include prefix such as "blog" to access blog server (for example: http://localhost:10000/blog/~)
Note Documentation not finish yet, if you want test apis, please check gateway config. and apis defined inside each controllers in microservices