Bytengine is a scalable content repository built with Go. Its API is accessible from any Http client library so you can start coding in your favorite language!
Hemi V6 was created to make Bytengine easily deployable to Heroku for testing and eventual production use.
- Give your deployment a name
- Accept default environment settings
- Wait for deployment to complete
- Get the MONGOLAB_URI environment variable for your instance
heroku config:get MONGOLAB_URI --app <app_name>
- Your database name will be the url path:
- Fire up bshell using the default bytengine credentials:
bshell run -u=admin -p=password --port=80 --host=<app_name>
- Initialise the database obtained in step 5:
bql> server.newdb "<database>"
- Enjoy!
If you have any problems, submit an issue or create a Stackoverflow
question with bytengine
Documentation - Bytengine Docs
Twitter - Follow Bytengine