Dicoogle Anonimizer Plugin Wrapper that allows controlled searching in reversibly deidentified medical imaging archives.
Before building, please make sure that your system contains the following tools:
- Dicoogle : See Dicoogle Readme File and www.dicoogle.com
- Java JDK (at least version 7; JDK 8 is recommended)
- Maven 3
- Retrieve the full source code from this repository:
- Navigate to the project's base directory, and build the parent Maven project by calling
mvn install
Copy or move the plugin's jar file (the one with dependencies, named with the pattern -jar-with-dependencies
) to the ./Plugins/
folder in Dicoogle's working directory.
- Jorge Miguel Silva
- Eduardo Pinho
Bioinformatics, IEETA,UA
Contacts Email: jorge(dot)miguel(dot)ferreira(dot)silva(at)ua(dot)pt