TauGeometric is a set of tools to get the geometric tortuosity from 2D images of porous materials. It calculates the geometric tortuosity using A* algorithm and Porespy python library resources. The basis of the computation is to extract all the paths of the porous media generated by porespy and after that, extract the distance of these using A* algorithm. The minimum of these values are taken for every entrance node where the paths starts. At the end, the tortuosity is calculated following the equation (1).
Ld is the mean of the paths's lenght calculated previously
L is the lenght of the axis taken, commonly the horizontal axis.
The fundamental equation of the process explained in the algorithm can resumed in the equation (2).
: is the quatity of entrance nodes
: represents all the paths generated for every entrance node
: shorter length (it can be a straight line)
To find the total geometric paths the carnality of each set is multiplied.
S=set of start nodes
E= set of end nodes
Total geometric paths=N(S)×N(E)
import taugeometric as tg
import porespy as ps
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
im = ps.generators.blobs(shape=[30, 30], porosity=0.80, blobiness=0.5)
maze = np.logical_not(im)
maze = np.array(maze, dtype=int)
TauGeometric relies heavily on the Scipy Stack, as it uses the Porespy library. Make sure you get Python 3.6+ version.
git clone https://github.com/eljosephavila123/taugeomectic.git
Create the virtual environment[]
virtualenv env
The virtual environment is activated
source env/bin/activate
Install the python library used in the module
pip install -r requirements.txt
On Mac or Linux, you need to open a normal terminal window, then type source activate {env} where you replace {env} with the name of the environment you want to install TauGeometric.