Golang lib for RabbitMQ Connecting, Consuming, and Publishing. Needs a great deal of refining, but it's quick & dirty and gets the job done for my current project. WIll definitely refactor in the near future.
Currently on hold. I use this lib for several personal projects so all should be working as intended.
- Unit Tests
- main.go
- channel.go
- producer.go
- queue.go
- exchange.go
package main
import (
var (
rmq = conejo.Connect("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")
workQueue = make(chan string)
queue = conejo.Queue{Name: "queue_name", Durable: false, Delete: false, Exclusive: false, NoWait: false}
exchange = conejo.Exchange{Name: "exchange_name", Type: "topic", Durable: true, AutoDeleted: false, Internal: false, NoWait: false}
func main() {
err := conejo.Publish(rmq, queue, exchange, "{'employees':[{'firstName':'John','lastName':'Doe'}]}")
if err != nil {
package main
import (
var (
rmq = conejo.Connect("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")
queue = conejo.Queue{Name: "queue_name", Durable: false, Delete: false, Exclusive: false, NoWait: false}
exchange = conejo.Exchange{Name: "exchange_name", Type: "topic", Durable: true, AutoDeleted: false, Internal: false, NoWait: false}
func main() {
err := conejo.Consume(rmq, queue, exchange, "consumer_tag", workQueue)
if err != nil {
print("ERROR: %q", err)