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PDF Rendering

Joe Snee edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 1 revision


In order to use the render to PDF functionality, you will need to either point to the location of an already installed instance of Google Chrome or download an instance of Chromium which will be used to render the PDFs. To set this, you'll need to do one of the following:

  • Point to a local Chrome installation by using dmbinder.config.chooseChromePath
  • Set dmbinder.chromeExecutablePath manually to point an existing Chrome executable
  • Download a version of Chromium by using dmbinder.config.downloadChromiumRevision

There should also be a message on startup or if you try to render without first setting that up that will allow you to point to Chrome or download Chromium. For best results when using dmbinder.config.downloadChromiumRevision to download Chromium instance for PDF rendering, it is recommended to use the suggested revision or later.

Rendering to PDF

In the DMBinder Explorer, you can click on the "Render Markdown to PDF with Homebrewery Styles" icon, to the right of a source item: Render to PDF Button Screenshot

Rendering Screen Capture

Additionally, you can render all sources for a single campaign by using the dmbinder.campaign.brew command. If there is more than one campaign in the current workspace, it will list all of them and prompt you to select which campaign.