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Minecraft Education with Python (MakeCode)

This repository a collection of python scripts for building objects in Minecraft Education, using MakeCode python IDE. There is a MakeCode reference guide for Minecraft and a range of examples provided by MakeCode.

If you want to install Minecraft Education read this Getting Started document.

Block Planner

This is a python script that creates a small applicationfor planning out block placementin 2D. This is to helps younger students plan thier builds.


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This code is a Minecraft Education script that builds a display and then uses redstone to create a timer that counts up from 0 to 9.

The script starts by setting some global variables, including the agent's location, a counter for the seconds on the timer, and some variables for the size of the display.

The on_on_chat() function is called when the player types "run" in the Minecraft chat. This function teleports the agent to a location and builds a display using redstone lamps. The size of the display is determined by the displayX and displayY variables, which are both set to 5 in this case.

Once the display is built, the on_on_chat() function calls on_on_chat2(), which starts the timer. The game_loop variable is set to True, which keeps a while loop open. The while loop pauses for one second using loops.pause(1000), then clears the display and increments the sec_clock counter. If the counter is greater than 9, it resets to 0.

The if statement checks the value of sec_clock and prints the appropriate number on the display using redstone blocks. For example, if sec_clock is 5, the code will print the number "5" on the display using redstone blocks.

Overall, this code is a fun way to learn about basic programming concepts like variables, loops, and conditional statements, and it demonstrates how Minecraft can be used as an educational tool for teaching these concepts.


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This is a Python script for Minecraft Education that draws a pixel art using the Agent's abilities. The pixel art is represented as a 2D array of numbers, where each number represents a color block. The script loads the appropriate color blocks into the Agent's inventory and then uses a loop to move the Agent and place the blocks in the correct pattern to draw the pixel art.

The script begins by teleporting the Agent to the player's location, so that the pixel art will be drawn near the player. It then defines the pixel art as a 2D array called art_stack. Each row in the array represents a row in the pixel art, and each item in a row represents a block in that row.

Next, the script loads the color blocks into the Agent's inventory using the set_item function. Each color block is assigned a number from 1 to 9, which corresponds to the numbers in the art_stack array.

The script then enters a loop that iterates over each row in the art_stack array. For each row, it moves the Agent forward and selects the appropriate color block using the set_slot function. It then places the block behind the Agent using the place function. After all blocks in the row have been placed, the Agent moves up one block, turns around, and moves forward one block to prepare for the next row.

Finally, the script defines an event handler that will run the code when the player types "run" in the chat.

Note that the script assumes that the Agent has enough blocks of each color in its inventory to draw the entire pixel art. If the Agent runs out of blocks, it will stop drawing and the pixel art may be incomplete.


This is a Python code for a Minecraft Education game that builds a house with walls and roof. The on_on_chat() function is called when the player enters the chat command "house".

The size, walls, and height variables determine the dimensions of the house. The start_position variable stores the position of the player before the house is built. The agent.set_slot(1) and agent.set_item(STONE,64,1) functions set the agent's inventory slot to hold 64 units of stone for building walls.

The while loop builds the walls of the house by placing blocks and moving forward and turning left. The agent.move(UP,1) and functions move the agent up one block and place a block underneath to create a solid floor.

The base variable is used to determine the size of the roof. The index and sides variables are used to keep track of the number of roof sections and sides built. The agent.set_slot(2) and agent.set_item(OAK_WOOD_STAIRS,64,2) functions set the agent's inventory slot to hold 64 units of oak stairs for building the roof.

The while loop builds the roof by placing blocks, turning left and right, and moving forward and backward. The agent.move(UP, 1) and functions move the agent up one block and place a block underneath to create a solid roof.


Link To Folder

This is a Python code for building a pyramid in Minecraft using the MakeCode platform.

This Python code uses the MakeCode platform to build a pyramid in Minecraft. It is well-structured and organized with descriptive variable and function names that make it easy to understand what's happening. The code sets the game mode to Creative, the weather to clear, and the time of day to day. It defines global variables for the player's coordinates.

The on_chat function is called when the player types the command "pyramid" in the chat. Within the function, the player's coordinates are captured and a random size is generated for the base of the pyramid. The height of the pyramid is calculated based on the size of the base. A loop is initiated to build the pyramid, with each iteration building one level of the pyramid. Within the loop, the agent is positioned and given resources, and then begins building the pyramid. Once the pyramid is complete, the function ends.


Creates stairs down from a high point.
