Code repository for Gazebo simulation of W-MSR code.
This repository holds all code for the MSR simulations on the Gazebo platform.
Contact info: James Usevitch - Ruilin Zhou -
Please contact them with more questions.
Siciliano Method_Matlab Simulation: Some MATLAB tests on Trajectory Tracking based methods from Siciliano's book.
heightmap1: The heightmap model used in Gazebo simulation.
msr_ws: The ROS workspace
3.1. src/RCOMV/rcomv_uav: TheROS package of WMSR simulation for UAVs.
3.2. src/RCOMV/rcomv_r1: The ROS package of WMSR simulation for R1 rovers.
Three examples of WMSR simulation for UAVs and R1:
- Launch 15 UAVs to form a static formation in a world with buildings, with the presence of physical misbehaving agents:
$ roslaunch rcomv_uav StaticFormation_15agents_BuildingWorld.launch
- Launch 15 R1s to form a static formation in a basic world, with the presence of physical misbehaving agents:
$ roslaunch rcomv_r1 StaticFormation_15agents.launch
- Launch 8 R1s to track a circular trajectory as a formation, with the presence of cyber misbehaving agents:
$ roslaunch rcomv_r1 circleTraj_circleFormation_8agents_smallWorld.launch
More ros launch files are available under the launch folders of each package.