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CogArch (Cognitive Architecture)

Experiments in AI, ML, and Cognitive Architecture. Mostly in C++ and Python.
For educational purposes. This is to satisfy my own curiousity and deepen my understanding.
The content herein is not guaranteed to be correct, functional, or readable. No warrantee offered or implied!


PLOVER: Rich, Real-World Representation

Probabilistic Language Over Volumes for Environment Representation


PLOVER is based on these beliefs:

  • The current, fastest route to a general robotic cognitive architecture is Task And Motion Planning!
  • The most interesting route to TAMP is one based on rich geometric symbols.
    • Symbols should have geometric properties that makes their evaluation lightweight, intuitive to humans, and relevant to solving physical problems.
    • Composable graphs of geometric symbols can represent complex, context-sensitive relationships
  • Symbols are still relevant to AI, especially Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).
    • Symbols should make troubleshooting (and editing) plans produced by automated systems intuitive to humans.
    • Graphs can be decorated with semantic information that supports search and reasoning
  • Composable Graphic Symbols offer opportunities
    • Flexible combination of scene graphs, semantic graphs, and constraint graphs
    • GNN methods including Graph Transformers
    • NLP methods including LLMs
    • Neurosymbolic methods that directly or indirectly relate embedded spaces to 3D space.

Development Approach

  • Minimum Viable Prototype (MVP)
    • Have a reason for each feature.
    • Simplest possible implementation
  • Test as you go.
  • Discard approaches that are slowing you down.
  • Stay independent of ROS until it is applied to a robotic problem.
  • Prototype in Python for ease. Python will drive adoption.
  • [ ] Q: Should I move to C++ for speed and experience?
    • [ ] Q: Do I still need to practice C++ for coding interviews?
    • [ ] Q: If so, how to keep the C++ component cross-platform?


Framework Goals

  • Represent objects and semantic regions probabilistically
  • Compactly represent nested constraints that speed up planning and search
  • Provide structure to allow a robot to discover new objects and their affordances, and thus use new objects to solve problems.

Professional Goals:

  • Gain contemporary skills in ROS2
  • Gain mastery of modern C++


  • [ ] Q: Does PLOVER define a grammar?
  • [ ] Q: If not, is it something other than a language?
  • [ ] Q: What does PLOVER offer beyond previous scene graph, semantic graph, and constraint graph representations?

Preliminary: Exploring the Intellectual Space

  • [ ] Reading Plan @ Trello

Preliminary: Environment Setup

  • [>] Skim Reading Plan for simulation environments, 2023-11-26: PyBullet is the most prevalent
    • [>] Create sublist of methods using PyBullet

PyBullet + Environment Setup

  • python3.9 -m pip install pybullet --upgrade --user
  • 2023-11-26: Kuka + cubes example works!

Preliminary: Identify Needs and Gaps

  • [ ] Q: How are symbols described?
  • [ ] Q: How are symbols manipulated?
  • [ ] Q: Are there architecture components that need to be swapped out?
  • [ ] Q: What is the architecture missing?
  • [ ] Q: Can the symbols be improved?
  • [ ] Q: What articles describe TAMP as transforms on scene graphs?
    • [ ] Elephants Don't Pack Groceries (+ at least one article from the same lab)

Stage 0: Simplest Predicate(s), Fully Observable

  1. [Y] Implement an environment with at least one object on a table (PyBullet), 2023-12-02: Table + cuboid!
  2. [>] Geometry Processing
    • [ ] URDF --to-> PLOVER, Heirarchical Objects
      • [ ] Collection of Boxes
    • [ ] Determine mesh ajacency
    • { } Ajacency with specified margin
  3. [>] Instantiate a scene graph that represents this environment with meshes and poses
  4. [ ] Create the Above predicate
  5. [ ] Create the InContact predicate
  6. [ ] Create the (nested) On predicate
  7. [ ] Evaluate the (nested) On predicate

Stage 1: Simplest Segmentation, Noisy Observations

  1. [ ] Implement RGB-D sensory input like RealSense using PyBullet
    • { } If PyBullet does not offer this, then investigate AI2-Thor / Manipula-Thor
  2. [ ] Skim papers with PyBullet environments and identify segmentation pipelines
    • [ ] Q: Does it have a github?
    • [ ] Q: Does it use ROS?
    • [ ] Q: Do you have access to the evaluation environment used in the article?
    • [ ] Q: Is there documentation?
  3. [ ] Choose an open-source segmentation scheme from among methods using PyBullet
  4. [ ] Implement a belief representation based on (Bayesian) accumulation of evidence
  5. [ ] Test accumulation of evidence and show narrowing distribution
  6. [ ] Evaluate the (nested) On predicate to yield a probability that this predicate is true

Stage 2: Action Preimage(s)

  1. [ ] Implement Move preimage
  2. [ ] Implement Grasp preimage
  3. [ ] Implement estimates of success based on preimage geometry
  4. [ ] Imagine an RRT task planner that uses action preimages as segments
  5. [ ] Implement simplest task RRT
  6. [ ] Solve goal: Robot holding Object with $90%$ certainty
  7. [ ] Refine returned plan
  8. [ ] Execute refined plan
    • [ ] Q: Behavior Trees?
  • [ ] Q: How to handle uncertainty over preimages?
    • Distribution?
    • Samples?

Interlude: Decision Making Under Uncertainty with POMDPs

  1. [ ] Implement simplest MCTS
  2. [55] Run a POMDP solver on Partially Observable Lunar Lander
    • [ ] E: Which language to use?
    • [ ] POMCPOW or VOMCPOW
    • [ ] Can you add a learned transition model to it?
  • [ ] Q: What is the applicability to TAMP?

Stage 3: Long-Term Manipulation Planning Under Uncertainty with Reactive Execution

Execution Framework

  • [ ] TODO, ROS2?
  • [ ] Q: How to integrate MAGPIE architecture concepts? --> DEV PLAN below

GRACKLE: Geometric Reasoning Architecture using Composable Knowledge of a Live Environment

  • ROS2 Simulation
  1. [ ] Perception Process
  2. [ ] Geometric Symbol Process
  3. [ ] Anytime Stochastic Shortest Path Process
  4. [ ] Anytime Plan Management Process
  5. [ ] Exeuction Process
  6. [ ] Compare solution time and quality with an open source solver

TAMP with Mobile Manipulation

  1. [ ] TODO: Choose problem and Build environment
  2. [ ] TODO: DEV PLAN
  3. [ ] Compare solution time and quality with an open source solver

Stage 4: TAMP IRL


  1. [ ] Specify hardware requirements
  2. [ ] Choose manipulator hardware & Purchase
  3. [ ] Choose perception hardware & Purchase
  4. [ ] Setup basic ROS2 control / communication and determine changes needed for GRACKLE

GRACKLE: Implementation, DEV PLAN

  1. [ ] TODO: DEV PLAN

GRACKLE: Evaluaion In Real Life

  1. [ ] TODO: Create a real experiment similar to "Stage 2"
  2. [ ] TODO: Execute
  3. [ ] Compare solution time and quality with an open source solver

Stage 5: GRACKLE Applications and Tests


Preliminary: Prepare to share your work!

  1. [ ] Choose recording equipment & Purchase
  2. [ ] Set up YouTube Channel
  3. [ ] Begin writing first script

Your very own robot helper at home!

  1. [ ] Specify hardware requirements
  2. [ ] Choose mobile base & Purchase
  3. [ ] Hardware & Software Integration
    • [ ] Add perception
    • [ ] Add data logging
    • [ ] Integrate platform + manipulator
  • [4100] Navigate rooms with robust SLAM
    • Perfect localization is probably NOT needed to execute some plans!
    • [ ] Q: How does PLOVER apply to SLAM?
    • [ ] Q: How do probabilistic semantic regions help with navigation?
    • [ ] NAMO: Navigation Among Movable Obstacles
  • [4300] Lifelong Learning
    • Increase capability one task and concept at a time
      • Sweep
      • Vacuum? Dust?
      • Identify, Pick up, and discard clutter
      • Identify, Pick up, and put away objects
      • ?? More ??
  • [4400] Stretch Goals
    • Training by example
    • Training from verbal input

The BLUE-J Project: Neurosymbolic Agent

Basic Language Understanding with Engram-Jumps

  • Knowledge/Concept graphs as the basic unit of cognition and memory
    • Should be probabilistic in nature
  • Connections, Sequences, and Relationships represented by rich probabilistic Edges
  • Relevant structures and edges should inspire and activate relevant agent actions
  • Goals:
    • Build and operate over structures that simulate the structure of the environment.
    • Build multimodal knowledge graphs with visual, state, and semantic data
    • Learn generalizations over grounded graphs that improve decision-making
    • Extend LLMs with engrams that allow optimal, long-term reasoning
  • Daydreams:
    • Conitive Graphs (Engrams) that can represent all data required for perception, action, and planning
      • Relationships
      • Memory
      • Objects, Percepts
      • Affordances, Options
      • Actions
      • States, State Changes, Sequences, Episodes
    • Personal Assistant
      • Digital
      • Physical
    • Enable exchange of rich knowledge between robots


Where is this all going?

  1. [ ] Skim Philosophy reading list
  2. [ ] Philosophy reading & Notes

Graph Neural Networks

  1. [50] Graph Convolutional Network (GATv2, Python, Tensorflow)

    • [Y] Take notes and develop a dev plan, 2023-11-20: Identified major types of GNN that may require further study
    • [Y] Choose and install library, 2023-11-19: FANN, torch_geometric, See installation instructions in ""
  2. [60] Graph Generation with GCPN: Graph Convolutional Policy Network (You et al. 2018, Python, Tensorflow)

Stage 0: Engram-guided MCTS

  • [ ] Q: What semantic data can be added to states / samples automatically?
  • [ ] Implement semantically "decorated" state graphs
  • [ ] Learn a value function over "decorated" state graphs
  • [ ] Demonstrate improved performance when we preferentially sample from high-value state grapghs

Stage 1: Planning over engrams with Hand-Coded Architecture

Concept: Replace pure symbols with probabilistic graphical symbols in both deliberative and reactive planning as a means to achieve both generality and adaptability.


Concept: BOBCAT over knowledge graphs


Concept: TAMP over knowledge graphs

Reactive + Deliberative?

Concept: MAGPIE over knowledge graphs

Stage 2: Neurosymbolic Plan Synthesis

Concept: Extend probabilistic graphical symbols to probabilistic graphical plans that contain rich representation of state changes and options.

Stage 3: Neurosymbolic Probabilistic Knowledge Graph Architecture

Concept: Extend probabilistic knowledge graphs into a complete cognitive architecture that handles learning, recall, and planning in a cohesived and flexible manner.

Exploratory: Neuro-Cognitive Elements

  1. [70] Dynamic, Resizable ANN, Neuroplastic capability
    • [ ] E: Python lib(s)?
    • [ ] E: C++ lib(s)?
  2. [80] CPPN-NEAT Architecture Search
    • [ ] E: Find most accessible existing implementation & test

Artificial Neural Networks

  1. [600] Alternatives to Backpropagation (C++)
    • [ ] Take notes
      • [ ] Manneschi, Luca, and Eleni Vasilaki. "An alternative to backpropagation through time." Nature Machine Intelligence 2, no. 3 (2020): 155-156.
      • [ ] Bellec, Guillaume, Franz Scherr, Elias Hajek, Darjan Salaj, Robert Legenstein, and Wolfgang Maass. "Biologically inspired alternatives to backpropagation through time for learning in recurrent neural nets." arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.09049 (2019).
    • [ ] DEV PLAN,    E: Which alternative to implement and why?

The CORVID Project: Cognitive Architecture

Cognition, Observation, and Reaction for Varied Intelligence Domains

Deep Reinforcement Learning

  1. [>] Hugging-Face Deep-RL MOOC
    • [Y] Unit 1, 2023-12-18: Glean what you can, and efficiently!
    • [Y] Unit 2, 2023-12-18: Glean what you can, and efficiently!
    • [Y] Unit 3, 2023-12-18: Glean what you can, and efficiently!
    • [Y] Unit 4, 2023-12-18: Glean what you can, and efficiently!
    • [>] Unit 5
    • [ ] Unit 6
    • [ ] Unit 7
    • [ ] Unit 8


  1. [50] Active Inference Tutorial
    • [51] Think about how active inference is pertinent to the Partially Observable Lunar Lander. Are there different behavior modes that are required?

Exploratory: Neuro-Cognitive Elements

  1. [>] Exemplar Learning Kernel (ELK) Unit (RL, Policy Method)
    • Note that this method is essentially a "flattened" version of Q-Learning
      • Only the value of the next state is stored, without a discount
      • There are no backups, Only a one-step policy is stored
      • Can a system like this even learn?
    • [ ] PoleCart
      • [ ] Eval perf: Does it do swing-up and stay up 75% of the time?
    • [ ] Q: Can Policy Optimization be used here?
    • [ ] Add RBM "Sniffer", ?? ??
    • [ ] Add learner pool
    • [ ] Lunar Lander (Continuous?)


  1. [1000] CORVID Unit
    • [ ] Reconcile Unit daydreams with Active Inference
    • Recognizer
    • Learner / Agent
    • Amplifier
  2. [2000] CORVID Stack / Agency, One stack
    • with input EFB
    • with output EFB
  3. [3000] CORVID Cognitive Architecture
    • 2023-02-22 Brainstorming, Pt.1
      • Serial
      • Recurrent Serial
      • Serial Medula
    • 2023-02-22 Brainstorming, Pt.2
      • Stack Sandwich
      • Parrallel Stack
    • Embedded domain mini-planner (Q-Learner?)



  1. [~~~] [Geometric Algebra for Computer Science]

  2. [~~~] Modeling Plasma Physics

    1. [ ] Find a small scale plasma experiment online
    2. [ ] Repeat experiment
    3. [ ] Find a plasma model in literature
    4. [ ] Model experiment with Geometric Algebra (See above)
    5. [ ] Model stellerator
    6. [ ] Model "Inductive Fusion"
    • { } Are quantum mechanics required?
    • { } Are relativistic effects considered?

Frameworks & Environments


  1. [~~~~] Braitenberg 2D Grid World
    • Agents situated at <X,Y,D> where <X,Y> is a cell address and <D> is a cardinal direction
    • Components have no extent, but possibly oriented in a cardinal direction
    • [ ] Add EFB
    • [ ] Add Continuous Q-Learning
  2. [~~~~] Braitenberg 3D Grid World
  3. [~~~~] Continous 2D Braitenberg World
  4. [~~~~] Continous 3D Braitenberg World


  • [2023-03-28] Switching to C++ from D to mentally prepare for job search. 80% of surveyed positions mention C++; None mention D.
    • I also caused myself some confusion with assignment, slicing, and equivalence of dynamic arrays
    • If I pick D back up:
      • Evaluate recent language changes
      • Evaluate state of needed libraries
        • I need a satisfying linear algebra library
        • Raylib


Completed Projects

  1. [Y] Evolutionary Feature Bus (EFB), 2023-08-09: Fitness continually improves, at this point I don't particularly care how well, but there are improvements to be made if I resume the project

    • [Y] T: Output with sine input, 2023-06-30: Works as designed
    • [Y] Random feature generation, 2023-08-09: Random operations with random input features
    • [Y] Average fitness evaluation after N steps, 2023-08-09: Culling and reporduction works
    • [Y] Cull and repopulate according to fitness, 2023-08-09: Culling and reporduction works
    • [Y] T: Predict sine wave with +pi/2.0 phase shift, 2023-08-09: Fitness continually improves, at this point I don't particularly care how well, but there are improvements to be made if I resume the project
      • Plot outputs for evaluation and troubleshooting
      • Find out why output calculation is so slow and fix it
      • Test as input to a neural network and make necessary changes
      • Test as output to a neural network and make necessary changes
      • Test as an intermediate layer between neural network layers and make necessary changes
    • {N} Parameter backprop?, 2023-08-09: This will not be persued at this time. It's not fun right now.
  2. [Y] Self-Organizing Map (SOM, C++), 2023-06-19: Seems to converge, not going to count clusters at this time

    ########## Self-Organizing Map Report ##########
    Average distance to BMU: 171.483
    Final Search Radius: ___ 633.237
    Learning Rate: _________ 0.02
    Problem Scale: _________ 800
    Decay Constant: ________ 0.9999
  3. [Y] Perceptrons + MLP, 2023-04: Re-write in C++ / Eigen3, 2023-05-18: 80% accuracy achieved, anything above this is just tuning. This is pretty poor performance, but in the case that MLP will be applied to a C++ project, I will use an established library for it. Running Best:

    Validation Accuracy: 0.8157
    Trained for 117 epochs!
    ### Network Summary ###
    Learning Rate: 3e-05
    Layer 1: Input 784  X  Output 64
    Layer 2: Input 64  X  Output 32
    Layer 3: Input 32  X  Output 10
    Each layer's gradient scaled to 10
    Mini-batches of size 0!
    Data shuffled each epoch!
    # End of Summary #
    • [Y] Perceptron Margin Update, 2023-04-07: 0.99 accuracy
    • [Y] Add typedefs, 2023-04-08: Aliases work and save space
    • [Y] Multi-Layer Perceptron + Backprop + MNIST Dataset, 2023-05-18: 80% accuracy achieved, anything above this is just tuning
      • [Y] Issue: Apparent hanging and massive resource usage, 2023-04-09 - Sol'n: Datafile size read with wrong endianness and program was attemting to read 1.6B images!
        • [Y] Verify that next image is fetched, 2023-04-09: Image is clear and label matches!
        • [Y] Verify that next label is fetched, 2023-04-09: Image is clear and label matches!
      • [Y] Issue: Rotten Performance
        • [N] If training examples are not shuffled, then shuffle them, 2023-04-13: Only 1 in ten examples is from a consecutive class

        • [Y] If perf still bad, then add trainable params, 2023-04-14: Network is bigger, but trains much more slowly (timewise)

        • [Y] If perf still bad, then do batch updates, 2023-04-14: Batches implemented, Learning still stalls at every learning rate and L1 rate attempted

        • 2023-05-03: Found a potential problem that might have been causing the biases not to update, steadiliy creeping above random performance

        • [Y] If perf still bad, then double-check gradient math, 2023-04-20: Consider this on good footing until further notice, 2023-05-15: Grad descent and backprop are working. 0.65 accuracy, far above random. Needs more tuning, try ADAM.

        • [Y] If perf still bad, then use gradient clipping?, 2023-04-22: Gradient scaling results in faster training but NOT better perf

        • [Y] No really, actually shuffle the data each epoch, 2023-04-28: Shuffled, but found a promising error

          • [N] Try a binary classifier to see if the network can identify one digit!
        • [N] If perf still bad, then use Adam Optimizer, 2023-05-18: 80% accuracy achieved, anything above this is just tuning

  4. [Y] Restricted Boltzmann Machine, 2023-04: Re-write in C++ / Eigen3, 2023-04-06: Rewrite COMPLETED

    • I have lost trust in my Dlang implementation
    • Eigen does matx allocation and matx mult for me
    • [Y] Test reconstruction accuracy for full input, 2023-04-06: 0.819597, Reconstruction accuracy is 0.8% better than the D implementation
    • [Y] Test reconstruction accuracy for partial input, 2023-04-06: Turns out the test set was already partial
    • [Y] Add typedefs, 2023-04-08: Aliases work and save space

Suspended Projects

  1. [P] Continuous, Interpolated Q-Learning (Julia), Complete DEV PLAN as previously formulated
    Stopping Criterion: Averge of $\geq 30.0$ seconds vertical across 64 runs
    • [ ] Test with discrete Q-Learning FIRST

    • [Y] Implement Temporal Difference target, 2023-08-22: Seems overall better, but requires tuning

    • [P] TD Learning

      • [P] Tune learning rate
      • [ ] Tune swap frequency
    • [ ] Eligibility Traces

      • [ ] Backtracking method
      • [ ] Sutton & Barto Method
    • [ ] Actor-Critic

      • [ ] Separate the policy and the value function
      • [ ] Probabilistic action selection
      • {?} Dyna-AC
    • {?} Port highest-performing agent to C++?


  1. [P] Continuous, Interpolated Q-Learning (Julia), Complete DEV PLAN as previously formulated
    Stopping Criterion: Averge of $\geq 30.0$ seconds vertical across 64 runs
    • [Y] Test structures, 2023-08-09: Everything seems to be in place
    • [N] Reinstate best settings from the report, 2023-08-22: The model from the report was not properly tuned!
    • [Y] Implement Temporal Difference target, 2023-08-22: Seems overall better, but requires tuning
    • [P] Discrete TD Learning
    • [P] TD Learning
      • [P] Tune learning rate
      • [ ] Tune swap frequency
    • [ ] Eligibility Traces
      • [ ] Backtracking method
      • [ ] Sutton & Barto Method
    • [ ] Actor-Critic
      • [ ] Separate the policy and the value function
      • [ ] Probabilistic action selection
      • {?} Dyna-AC
    • {?} Port highest-performing agent to C++?


  1. [~] Bayesian Neural Network (BNN, C++), 2023-06-05: The convolutional BNN is a complex network that would take significant time to make from scratch, Delaying this in favor of other projects


Experiments in AI, ML, and Cognitive Architecture







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