I'm from the midwest United States, and I'm a hobbyist developer. I enjoy learning new technologies, and recently have been:
๐ญ Iโm currently working on ...
- Utilizing ExcaliburJS to make a multiplayer SmashTV clone
๐ญ Things that I HAVE done
Squeleto, a 2d game framework link to repo
Wrapped up my tutorial demoes for Squeleto
Updating the documentation for Squeleto Link to Docs
5 minigames that i intend to build into Clue, but protos are on my itch page
Demon Siege, a cooperative, deck building card game developed in Godot and/or Typescript
Asteroids Plus 2.0, a space shooter made entirely in Typescript
The devlog for Asteroids Plus 2.0, -Devlog
๐ฑ Iโm currently learning ...
Programming and Game Dev
- Godot 4.0
- 3d technologies like three.js and blender
- Going to dive into Shaders this year, Docker, and Github Actions for CI/CD
Backend Tech
- Node, Hathora, Express, and pushing out to Heroku w/ Postgres (Hathora link: https://docs.hathora.dev/#/)
๐ซ How to reach me: ...