This project was my solution for Wolt Engineering Internship assignment.
Java 11 should be used for project to run.
After opening project in IntelliJ add new "Run configuration" and choose "Play 2". Now application can be run and tested on port 9000.
There are also unit tests that cover validation, delivery fee calculation and simple functional tests for the controller / API.
You can also run this project by using this docker image:
Load image:
docker pull daniilkurachkin/wolt-daniil-kurachkin:v1.0
Run container:
docker run -d --publish 9000:9000 --name daniil-kurachkin daniilkurachkin/wolt-daniil-kurachkin:v1.0
Endpoint for delivery calculation is /calculateDeliveryFee (POST).
Example of the curl command to test API:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
'{"cart_value": 790, "delivery_distance": 2235, "number_of_items": 4, "time": "2021-10-12T13:00:00Z"}' \
API expects input in JSON format with following structure:
"cart_value": 790,
"delivery_distance": 2235,
"number_of_items": 4,
"time": "2021-10-12T13:00:00Z"
If data is valid service will respond with:
"delivery_fee": 710
If input has invalid scheme service will respond with:
"title": "Invalid payload",
"detail": "DeliveryInformation can't be created from request body",
"code": 400
If input has invalid values service will respond with:
"title": "Validation failed",
"detail": "Invalid number of items! At least one item must be delivered",
"code": 400