Easily converts PHP arrays into plain text tables, CSV files or strings with a fixed field length for each column
composer require kabachello/phptexttable:*
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
$rows = array(
array('City' => 'Berlin', 'State' => 'Berlin', 'Pop. 1950' => 3336026, 'Pop. 2015' => 3520031),
array('City' => 'Hamburg', 'State' => 'Hamburg', 'Pop. 1950' => 1605606, 'Pop. 2015' => 1787408),
array('City' => 'Munich', 'State' => 'Bavaria', 'Pop. 1950' => 831937, 'Pop. 2015' => 1450381),
array('city' => 'Cologne', 'State' => 'North Rhine-Westphalia', 'Pop. 1950' => 594941, 'Pop. 2015' => 1060582)
// Initialize the table
$text_table = new kabachello\phpTextTable\TextTable($rows);
// Set right alignment for the numeric columns
$text_table->setColumnAlignments(array('Pop. 1950' => 'right', 'Pop. 2015' => 'right'));
// Set the numer columns to the same fixed with
$text_table->setColumnWidthMax(array('Pop. 1950' => 11, 'Pop. 2015' => 11));
// Disable automatic width adjustment (only affects columns with max width)
// Print the table
print $text_table->print($row_key);
will print the following:
| CITY | STATE | POP. 1950 | POP. 2015 |
| Berlin | Berlin | 3336026 | 3520031 |
| Hamburg | Hamburg | 1605606 | 1787408 |
| Munich | Bavaria | 831937 | 1450381 |
| Cologne | North Rhine-Westphalia | 594941 | 1060582 |
This library was inspired by ArrayToTextTable