Setup Mosquitto MQTT server using Docker
docker pull kadasz/image-mosquitto
git clone
cd image-mosquitto
docker build -t image-mosquitto .
docker run -d --name mqtt --hostname mqtt -p 1883:1883 image-mosquitto
By default, the container will be started with used /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
as configuration file, in which:
- anonymous access has deactivated
- requires the use of a valid username and password before a connection from MQTT broker.
Password file called passwd
is included in the image.
The file has one default user - mosquitto
with password of Mosquitto!
To use a custom configuration file you need mount local directory where mosquitto.conf
file saved - see below on volume mappings!
When run the container from builded image (as above) which is named mqtt
$ docker exec -it mqtt bash
Use first the command mosquitto_pub
that publishes a message (test) on a topic (testTopic):
mqtt:~# mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t testTopic -u mosquitto -P Mosquitto! -m "test" -q 1 -r
Use second the command mosquitto_pub
that subscribes to a topic (testTopic) and prints all the receives messages:
mqtt:~# mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1883 -t testTopic -u mosquitto -P Mosquitto!
You can use command:
mosquitto_passwd -b /etc/mosquitto/passwd new_user new_pass
You can use command like this:
mosquitto_passwd -D /etc/mosquitto/passwd new_user
mkdir -p /opt/mqtt/conf
mkdir /opt/mqtt/logs
mkdir /opt/mqtt/data
You can change /opt/mqtt/
as needed for your particular needs!
cp image-mosquitto/imosquitto.conf /opt/mqtt/conf
cp image-mosquitto/passwd /opt/mqtt/conf
Create a logs file yet:
touch /opt/mqtt/logs/mosquitto.log
User mosquitto
must have permissions to read/write to data and logs directory and read to config directory:
chmod -R o+r /opt/mqtt/conf
chmod -R o+rwx /opt/mqtt/logs
chmod -R o+rwx /opt/mqtt/data
NOTE: Use the above for testing, better way create to mosquitto
user on docker host and set permissions only for him.
docker run -d --name mqtt --hostname mqtt \
--restart=on-failure:5 -p 1883:1883 \
-v /opt/mqtt/conf:/etc/mosquitto \
-v /opt/mqtt/logs:/var/log/mosquitto \
-v /opt/mqtt/data/:/var/lib/mosquitto image-mosquitto
See above for checks and testing mosquitto
- wheremosquitto
configuration files saved/var/log/mosquitto
- path wheremosquitto
write log files/var/lib/mosquitto
- path wheremosquitto
database is stored
- set a limit of 5 restarts for on-failure policy
- default port of the MQTT listener