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PlayKit JS Download - Download plugin for the [PlayKit JS Player]

Build Status code style: prettier

This plugin enables video, image and files download for a media entry which is hosted by Kaltura. The plugin has the following configuration parameters:

  • flavorId - A specific video flavor of a specific entry. You can use KMC to view the flavor ids for a specific entry.
  • flavorParamId - The type of flavor to be downloaded. The available flavor types for an environment can be fetched using the getFlavorAssetsWithParams API.
  • preDownloadHook - A callback function to be called after a user has clicked the download button and before the download starts.
  • displayFlavors - A flag indicating whether to display flavors to download. optional- default is true. if set to false then only the configured/default source will be available for download.
  • displayCaptions - A flag indicating whether to display captions of the media to download. optional- default is true.
  • displayAttachments - A flag indicating whether to display attachments of the media to download. optional- default is true.
  • displaySources - A flag indicating whether to display media sources to download. optional- default is true.

You can see the available flavor ids for an entry in KMC, and their matching If no flavor is selected, a default flavor would be downloaded.

PlayKit JS Download is written in ECMAScript6, statically analysed using Typescript and transpiled in ECMAScript5 using Babel.

Getting Started


The plugin requires Kaltura Player and playkit-ui-managers to be loaded first.


First, clone and run yarn to install dependencies:

git clone
cd playkit-js-downloads
yarn install


Then, build the plugin

yarn run build

Embed the library in your test page

Finally, add the bundle as a script tag in your page, and initialize the player

<!--Kaltura player-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/kaltura-player.js"></script>
<!--Playkit ui managers plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/playkit-ui-manager.js"></script>
<!--PlayKit download plugin-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/playkit-downloads.js"></script>
<div id="player-placeholder" style="height:360px; width:640px">
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var playerContainer = document.querySelector("#player-placeholder");
    var config = {
     targetId: 'player-placeholder',
     plugins: {
       uiManagers: {},
       download: {
        flavorParamId: null, // id of the flavor type to be downloaded. optional.
        flavorId: null, // id of the specific flavor type for a specific entry. optional.
        preDownloadHook: null // function to be called before download is initiated. optional.
     ui: {
      translations: { // for local development
        en: {
          download: {
            download: "Download",
            downloads: "Downloads",
            "download_has_started": "Download has started",
            "download_has_failed": "Download has failed"
    var player = KalturaPlayer.setup(config);

Configuation Example

  • You may enable the download plugin just by adding it without any specific plugin config to the plugins config section or also add your own preferred config
plugins: {
  download: {}
plugins: {
  download: {
    flavorParamId: null, // id of the flavor type to be downloaded. optional.
    flavorId: null, // id of the specific flavor type for a specific entry. optional.
    preDownloadHook: null, // function to be called before download is initiated. optional.
    displayFlavors: boolean, // a flag indicating whether to display flavors to download. optional. default is true.
    displayCaptions: boolean, // a flag indicating whether to display captions to download. optional. default is true.
    displayAttachments: boolean // a flag indicating whether to display attachments to download. optional. default is true.
    displaySources: boolean // a flag indicating whether to display media sources to download. optional. default is true.

And coding style tests

We use ESLint recommended set with some additions for enforcing [Flow] types and other rules.

See ESLint config for full configuration.

We also use .editorconfig to maintain consistent coding styles and settings, please make sure you comply with the styling.




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This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License - see the file for details