Participation-Mined Token-Curated Registry is a fork of the original token-curated registry (TCR) and loosely follows the specifications found in the original Owner's Manual.
PM-TCR has epochs. The Registry contract has exclusive ownership of a Bank contract, with reserve tokens released on a regular schedule (once per epoch), effectively inflating the token's liquid supply without increasing the token's total supply. Majority faction voters effectively earn 'inflation rewards' for their curation participation per epoch.
: The time between 2 epochs; currently implemented as 30 days, or 2592000 seconds -
: Used to determine inflation rewards per epoch -
: The Unix timestamp of the block the Bank contract was deployed
The epoch number is stored as:
challenge.epochNumber = (block.timestamp - BIRTH_DATE) / EPOCH_DURATION
The epoch inflation is stored as:
epoch.inflation = token.balanceOf(Bank) / INFLATION_DENOMINATOR
The total number of tokens used for voting by the majority faction voters is stored as:
epoch.tokens += totalWinningTokens
- The number of tokens a majority faction voter used for voting in a given challenge/epoch is stored as:
epoch.voterTokens[voter] += numTokens
In addition to claiming rewards during a challenge, after an epoch ends, a majority faction voter can execute Bank.claimInflationRewards
, which will transfer to the voter an amount of inflation reward tokens proportional to their token weight during that epoch:
epochInflationVoterRewards = epoch.voterTokens[voter] / epoch.tokens * epoch.inflation
Configuration for deployment and contract parameterization is located in the conf directory.
Install node and ethpm dependencies:
npm install
Compile truffle contracts:
npm run compile
Run truffle tests on localhost:7545
npm test
Run truffle tests with RPC logs:
npm test gas
Run solidity-coverage:
npm run coverage
Scripts are available in package.json.
Note: since v1.1.0, only the factory contracts are deployed during truffle migrate
This repo requires you have a mnemonic phrase exported as an environment variable called MNEMONIC, e.g. in your .bash_profile
export MNEMONIC='super entropic mnemonic ...'
You can use to generate a mnemonic and derive its accounts.
To deploy to a local Ganache instance, your mnemonic must also be exposed to Ganache:
ganache-cli -m $MNEMONIC
Deploy factory contracts to a network:
npm run deploy-[network]
Spawn proxy contracts to a network using a deployed RegistryFactory:
npm run deploy-proxies:[network]
The repo consumes several EPM packages. dll
and attrstore
are libraries used in PLCRVoting's doubly-linked list abstraction. tokens
provides an ERC20-comaptible token implementation. plcr-revival
features batched executions for certain transactions. All EPM packages are installed automatically upon npm install