A master details sample app display a large list of movies back to 2009 until 2018 catgorized by year. Details screen displays movie details beside a grid list of picture of the movies loaded from flickr picture search API (https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.photos.search)
With a search view you can search for any movies in the list.
The app follows the architecture recommended in the "Guide to app architecture" ., with benefits of Paging 3.0 library with room
DataBase as a single source of truth toMoviePagingSource
which loads data asynchronously -
that emits Flow based on a configuration and a function that defines how to instantiate the PagingSource. -
observes the changed PagingData and uses theMovieAdapter
to update the UI -
responsible for canceling the request when the activity is recreated andMainFragment
hold a reference to a newJob
that will be cancelled every time we search for a new query.
- Android Architecture Component
- [Kotin Coroutine] (https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines/coroutines-guide.html)
- [Dagger 2] (https://dagger.dev/dev-guide/)
- [Retrofit] (https://square.github.io/retrofit/)
- [Glide] (https://github.com/bumptech/glide)