Allows to start DJ in the same process using { ... }
Extracted from JRuby-Rack-Worker: an effort to run Ruby workers in threads
with Java (JRuby-Rack) deployments (previously known as Delayed::JRubyWorker
NOTE: JRuby only, for now (PRs welcome)!
gem 'delayed-threaded'
and bundle
or install it yourself as gem install delayed-threaded
def start_worker
options = { :quiet => true }
if read_ahead = ENV['READ_AHEAD'] # DEFAULT_READ_AHEAD = 5
options[:read_ahead] = read_ahead.to_i
if sleep_delay = ENV['SLEEP_DELAY'] # DEFAULT_SLEEP_DELAY = 5
options[:sleep_delay] = sleep_delay.to_f
# some options are set to work per-thread (as a thread-local).
worker =
rescue Exception => e
msg = "FATAL #{e.inspect}"
if backtrace = e.backtrace
msg << ":\n #{backtrace.join("\n ")}"
# while other options are global and do not make sense to be set per-thread
Delayed::Worker.queues = (ENV['QUEUES'] || ENV['QUEUE'] || '').split(',')
Delayed::Worker.min_priority = ENV['MIN_PRIORITY'] if ENV['MIN_PRIORITY']
Delayed::Worker.max_priority = ENV['MAX_PRIORITY'] if ENV['MAX_PRIORITY'] { start_worker }
There's an optional integration with the ActiveRecord backend, to clear the connections after work (as the worker sleeps), setup as a plugin using :
require 'delayed/active_record/release_connection_plugin.rb'
and a somehow fail-"safer" lock clearing mechanism in case of backend errors
# Replace DJ's default ClearLocks plugin with a fail-safe version
# e.g. when a connection goes down in the middle of job processing,
# `Delayed::Job.clear_locks!` causes a double fault to propagate.
require 'delayed/fail_safe/clear_locks_plugin.rb'
NOTE: delayed_job might not be the right tool for a fail-safe worker job.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies.
Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an
interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
Copyright (c) 2018 Karol Bucek. See LICENSE ( for details.