Ever dream to discuss and share your opinion with people browsing the same page as you ?
- No reviews on Netflix anymore ? Fine, just open Fofo and discover what others are saying.
- No comment section on this debatable news ? Fine, just open Fofo and share your feelings on it.
Fofo is a work in progress. Feel free to contribute and experiment with me.
Working prototype in action
Fofo dock to the left of Wikipedia Fofo dock to the bottom of WikipediaThe project comes with a one liner command which provide an interactive way to build everything from the database to nginx.
cd fofo-api && npm run laravel
Next, create the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Add your fresh oauth client_id and secret key into it.
Make sure to update your /etc/hosts
� fofo-api.local
If you want some data into your database go with the following script.
npm run db:seed
First make sure to follow the laravel installation and install all the dependencies.
cd fofo-api && composer install
Next, create the database.
php artisan migrate
Generate oauth tables and encryption keys.
php artisan passport:install
Generate a password oauth client.
php artisan passport:client --password
Create the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Add your fresh oauth client_id and secret key in it.
Follow this tutorial to make the https works on your server. Next, go to https://your-local-api-domain and accept the certificate.
Now, run the seeder.
php artisan db:seed
You may import fofo-api.postman_collection.json
into postman to have an understanding of the api.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter any issues with this procedure
Create the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Launch the project from the root directory (not fofo-front)
npm run start-front
From the root directory.
npm run build-web-ext
Next, go to chrome://extensions/, active the developer mode and load the unzip extension from fofo-web-ext/dist