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A headless UI for building easy to use passcode component.

What is an passcode component? It is a group of input elements with each element only accepting one character. This component is generally used in authentication flows.


yarn add react-headless-passcode


import { usePasscode } from "react-headless-passcode";

With the usePasscode hook you just need to pass the count property and in return you get the array in which the actual passcode value is stored, various event hanlders that handles the focus management logic between multiple inputs and refs that references each input element.

For example:

const PasscodeComponent = () => {
    const { array, getEventHandlers, refs } = usePasscode({
        count: 4,

    return (
            {, index) => {
                const { } = getEventHandlers(index);
                return (
                        ref={(el) => el && (refs.current[index] = el)}

NOTE: It is important to initialize the refs object with the current input element because this is how the usepasscode is able to track the current index and manage the focused state across multiple inputs. Make sure to assign this element to the refs or else the focus won't change!!

ref={(el) => el && (refs.current[index] = el)}


  • Allow entering alpha numeric characters
  • Expose a flag: isComplete that tells whether all the input boxes are filled or not
  • Expose a state variable: currentFocusedIndex. It tells us the currently focused index of the passcode component.
  • Exposes event handlers that can be seamlessly used with the input element.
  • Passcode value can be pasted partially, fully, from start, or from middle.


The usePasscode hook accepts following props

Prop Name Type Description
count number Number of input boxes to create in the passcode component
isAlphaNumeric boolean If true, allows to enter alpha numeric value in the component

The hook returns an object that consists of:

Property Type Description
passcode (string | number)[] The current array value of the entire component.
setPasscode function A function that sets the internal state variable:passcode's value inside the hook.
currentFocusedIndex number Index of the currently focused input element.
setCurrentFocusedIndex function A function that sets the internal state variable: currentFocusedIndex's value inside the hook.
getEventHandler function A function that accepts an index as a parameter. It returns the following event handlers for the input positioned at index i: onChange onFocus onKeyUp onKeyDown onPaste
refs React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement[] | []> A ref array that contains reference of all the input boxes.
isComplete boolean A boolean flag that tells if all the input boxes are filled or not.


React is MIT licensed.