##Minimum features:
- Shared / group todo lists
- Todo list, sortable by dragging. Drag list items from one list to another.
- Delayed text and mail messaging integrated on to each list item.
- Add list items to google calendar
- Upload images, or link images from other social media accounts, to be displayed in the list
- oAuth / Omniauth for google, facebook.
##APIs to use:
- Twilio
- 2FA
- oAuth/Omniauth
- Google calendar
- EasyUpload
##Stretch goals (not in order):
- Move “Add a new List” button to nav bar… but only render on the list index page
- Button that brings up a form to invite a user to your group...only render on list index page
- Shopping list / expense tracker and calculator
- Venmo integration
- Google maps integration (integrate a mini map in a list item, with directions)
- Having profile pics of other users in group appear on lists index
##Models: ####User
- email (req)
- username (req)
- password (req)
- password_digest (req)
- first_name
- last_name
- birthday
- phone #
- avatar
- is_admin
- is_owner
- name
- name (req)
- date
- name (req)
- complete default false (req)
- date
- priority_level
- image_url
- list_id
##Associations (for users and groups)
- user:references
- group:references
All models one:many except users:groups.