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Kipon Dynamics 365 SOLID plugin template

##About Kiopn Solid Plugin framework This is a framework for building Dynamics 365 CE plugin libraries, following the guidance that SOLID software princips is given.

Added support for Dynamics CRM 2016

If you are using the older version of CRM, Dynamics CRM 2016, a version of the Kipon Solid Plugin framework has been put in place. Following nuget package are now available:

For Dynamics 365 CE, onprem and online - nuget packages

  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin (plugin library)
  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin.Fake (Unit test library)

For Dynamics CRM 2016 - nyget packages

  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin.CRM2016 (plugin library)
  • Kipon.Solid.Plugin.Fake.CRM2016 (Unit test library)

The 2016 version does not support virtual entities and multichoice optionsets, but that is due to the limitation of the underlying platform.

Otherwise there should be no differences, and you can follow the normal documentation of the framework.

BE AWARE: when building plugins for Dynamics CRM 2016 you should stick to .NET version 4.5.2 - regardless of what this articles tells you otherwise.

Please also see the changelog page for details on managing wrong references to version og the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk assemblies.

The 2016 version has been put in place to allow late movers to join the party of building plugins based on SOLID princips. The version will not be patch up with new features, however it is still a very powerfull starting point and 100% compatible with the newest version of the Kipon solid plugin framework.

We are only adding on the top. To take advantage of the full framework we encourage you to upgrade your dynamics 365 solution to at least veresion 9.1.

The official Kipon.Solid documentation site

Open the Kipon Solid plugin documentation site

Project offer

  • Quick startup of new plugin project with simple installation with nuget
  • A base plugin (Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin) that allow you to write event oriented plugins that get needed things auto injected
  • Architecture for building plugins using a service api architecture, including a dependency injection framework.
  • Architecture for building plugins based on "unit of work" pattern. IUnitOfWork interface is included in the code, and crmscvutil is extended to generate repository implementations for all included entities.
  • Template and tool for generating early bound entities based on Dynamics 365 CE Metadata
  • Tool to deploy the assembly and related steps to your Dyanmics 365 CE development instance, and adding these to your solution.


  1. Create a C#.NET Framework library, at version 4.6.2. (.NET Core is not yet supported for dynamics 365 CE plugin development)

  2. Add nuget package Kipon.Solid.Plugin to the library

Install-Package Kipon.Solid.Plugin -MinimumVersion
  1. Rename the following files included in your project, and adjust according to your need
  • deploy.cmd.template: - remove ".template" from name, and add your solution name and your Dynamics 365 connectionstring
  • Entities\filter.xml.template: - remove ".template", and adjust the list of entities and option set values according to your need
  • Entities\generate.cmd.template: - remove ".template", and adjust the [placeholders] in the file according to your need.
  1. Now you can use Entities\generate.cmd to generate early bound entities.

Remeber to include the following files to you project after first time early bound entity generated:

  • Entities\
  • Entities\CrmUnitOfWork.Design.cs

Creating a plugin

Creating a plugin is as simple as creating a class. I recommend creating a folder in your project for all plugins (ex. named Plugins), and depending on the expected size of your library, you can ether create a plugin for each entity you need to listen to, or a folder for each entity, and then below plugins related to that entity

Below some documentation highlight, but remember to visit the official site for the plugin concept: Open the Kipon Solid plugin documentation site

Any plugin must extend from Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin

Any method that should be called on plugin execution must be public, and methods in the plugin must follow a simple naming convention:

public void On[Stage][Message][Async](parameters)

where Stage can be

  • Validate
  • Pre
  • Post

Message can be

  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • RetrieveMultiple
  • RemoveMember

Custom actions - messagename

You can create custom actions in CRM, and bind these to plugins. Message will be the process logicalname [prefix]_[processuniquename], ex. kipon_AccountCountContacts. Custom actions can be bounded or unbounded. The difference is wether the payload of the actions has a Target field.

Both bounded and unbounded actions are supported by the framework.

Below here work in progress on std action messages - might or might not work (most likely they do NOT work yet):
  • Associate
  • Disassociate
  • SetState
  • SetStateDynamicEntity
  • Retrieve
  • AddMember
  • AddListMembers
  • QualifyLead


Only apply to stage Post, and should simply state Async if the plugin should run Async otherwise blank

Resolve entity to listen for

The concept will use the parameters to resolve what entity you are listening for. See example below.

You must add at least one parameter that maps to a specific entity, and the name of this parameter must reflect what you expect to get:

  • target (the record being created updated or deleted)
  • preimage (only applies to update and delete, and is giving the entity as is looked before this operation)
  • postimage (only applices to post stages and is giving the entity as is looks after this operation)
  • mergedimage (is really the preimage, but target is merged into this instance so you can see how the entity looks, including any changes made in this process, even before it hits the database)

Target and images can ONLY be injected into plugin methods. When needed in a service, add these as parameters in your service method, and parse them from the plugin method to your service method.

Plugins\AccountPlugin example

using Kipon.Xrm;
namespace MySolid.Plugins
	public class AccountPlugin : BasePlugin
		public void OnPreCreate(Entities.Account target)
			// Do whatever you need to do whenever an account is created

Same step for multi entities

If you need to run the exact same code for multi entities, that is perfectly possible. Define a shared interface and ensure each entity supported is implementing this interface. Then inject the interface to your plugin as target, preimage, mergedimage or postimage, and finally decorate the plugin method with LogicalName attributes:

using Kipon.Xrm;
using Kipon.Xrm.Attributes;
namespace MySolid.Entities 
	public interface IShared
		string Subject { get; }

	// Both Email and Task already have a property Subject, so no futher impl. is needed.
	public partial class Email : IShared { }
	public partial class Task : IShared { }

namespace MySolid.Plugins
	public class MySharedPlugin : BasePlugin
		public void OnPreCreate(Entities.IShared target)
			// Do whatever you need to do on the task or email pre create
			// you can even typecast the entity to appropriate, because what you get IS the strong type entity.
			// .. be aware that a typecast of target to the real entity would be a violation of basic SOLID princips - so even though it is possible, it is not the best idear ever. 

Special plugin method parameters, related to specific messages (types and names, names is NOT case sensetive):

Any message having a target entity
  • System.Guid id - the id of the primary entity.
  • System.Guid listId - this list an entity instance is being removed from
  • System.Guid entityId - the entityId of the entity (account, contact, lead) that is being removed from the list

Adding services

Standard services like:

  • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPluginExecutionContext
  • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IOrganizationService
  • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IOrganizationServiceFactory
  • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.ITracingService

can be injected into the plugin (or custom services) simply by adding them as a parameter to your plugin event method.

You can create you own services and inject these as well. I recommend that you create a folder in your project for serviceapi, and one for service implementations. You should only inject ServiceAPI into your plugins, never actual implementations.

Each service defined can have one and only one implementation within the plugin library. Service implementations is found with reflection, and the concept is looking for the "one-and-only" implementation for each service. Service implementations can depend on other services. Services are injected into each other by constructor injection. Only constructor injection is supported for services, so be carefull on circular references. They are not allowed. As with plugin event methods, you should only inject interfaces into you services.

You cannot inject target, preimage, postimage or mergedimage directly into your services. Add these as parameters in your interface and let the plugin parse these information to your service through service method calls.


namespace MySolid.ServiceAPI
	public interface IAccountService
		void DoSomething(Entities.Account account);


namespace MySolid.Services
	public class AccountService : ServiceAPI.IAccountService
		public void DoSomething(Entities.Account account)
			// actual impl.

Plugins\AccountPlugin now with service injection

using Kipon.Xrm;
using MySolid.ServiceAPI
namespace MySolid.Plugins
	public class AccountPlugin : BasePlugin
		public void OnPreCreate(Entities.Account target, IAccountService accountService)

Inject custom actions parameters

Custom action input parameters are injected by naming convention, so if you added a string input parameter to you action, name Title, it will look like this in your On.. method

public void OnPost...(Entities.AccountReference target, string Title) { do something }

Alternatively you can define witch actions to use in the filter.xml file on the form

    <action name="AccountCountContacts">kipon_AccountCountContacts</action>

Above declaration will declare an interface and an implementation for the kipon_AccountCountContacts input parameters, and an implementation for the kipon_AccountCountContacts output parameters.

The interface will be named [you namespace, '.Entities removed if it has such'].Actions.IAccountCountContactsRequest and can be injected into your action based plugin as a normal service. No naming contrains on this one. You do not need to care about the implementation. It is there and it is partial, so you can extend it, but in most cases you will only see the interface. As for the output there is only an implementation, because you are suppose to return an instance of that, so the framework can add the result to the pipeline output parameters.

Your plugin will extend Kipon.Xrm.BasePlugin and the execute method would something like this

public Kipon.Solid.Actions.kipon_AccountCountContactsResponse OnPostkipon_AccountCountContacts(Kipon.Solid.Actions.IAccountCountContactsRequest request, ... additional services needed) 
{ what you have to do
	return new Kipon.Solid.Actions.kipon_AccountCountContactsResponse { .. here you have properties for each output field }

Even though it is perfectly possible to return a response for a plugin in valudate or pre stage, it does not really make sense. Only output parameters added on Post Sync state are returned to the client that is triggering the action, so returning parameters in validate, pre or post async is really the same as sending a message where notbody will get the information.

Virtual Plugin Provider support (from version

You can use plugins to integration your Dyanmics 365 with external datasources (readonly), where the plugin is used as a datasource provider. The Kipon solid plugin framework supports building these plugins

Your plugin must extend Kipon.Xrm.VirtualEntityPlugin and must have two public methods OnRetrieve and OnRetrieveMultiple. You can inject services etc. into the plugin business as usual.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Kipon.Solid.Plugin.Plugins.Virtual
    public class VirtualEntityPlugin : Kipon.Xrm.VirtualEntityPlugin
        public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity OnRetrieve(Guid primaryentityid, string primaryentityname)
            return new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity { LogicalName = primaryentityname, Id = primaryentityid };

        public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection OnRetrieveMultiple(string primaryentityname, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression query)
            var result = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection();
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                result.Entities.Add(new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity { LogicalName = primaryentityname, Id = Guid.NewGuid() });
            return result;

Above example demonstrate how the structure of the plugin could look, getting the query from Dynamics 365 injected alongside the id and logical name for Retrieve and the logical name for RetrieveMultiple. For now you must use the standard PRT to create your datasource and you must manually create an instance of the datasource in your solution, and link it to your virtual entity before the concept will work.

That part of the process is not 100% logical, so here are some hints:

  1. Create a datasource using the PRT. This will create a "special" virtual entity, holding information for your datasource provider, ex. connection string and more.
  2. Go into your Dynamics 365 menu as administrator, and use advanced find to search on the newley create entity.
  3. Create at least one row in the virtual entity table (the one create through the PRT tool)
  4. Now you can go into your real virtual entity and set the Data Source on the virtual entity to point to the row created in 3).
  5. Remember to add the Virtual Data Source to your solution so it is included when you deploy the solution to your test and production environment.

Deploy your code to Dynamics 365 instance

The Kipon.Solid.Plugin nuget package has placed a deploy.cmd.template file in the root of your project. Rename this file to deploy.cmd and change the content to match your need (connectionstring and target solution).

After that, simply open a command line tool, navigate to the root folder of you project and call the command

C> deploy.cmd

This process will create/update the assembly in your solution, remove any plugin, step or image no longer needed according to your code and add plugin, steps and images needed according to the new version of the code. The tool will ofcause only target plugins related to this assembly.

It is recommended that you always deploy "release" version code to your Dynamics 365 instance and remember to update the AssemblyVersion in the Properties.AssemblyInfo file before building, so each deployment of the assembly is giving a higher version than the former.

Also remember to sign your library with a strong name key before deployment. Deployment is always created as SANDBOX, allowing you to deploy to any Dynamics 365 instance including online instances.


This code, project and documentation is provided as-is. Any use of the project, documentation or code is on your own risk. Kipon ApS does not take any responsibility in damages cause by the use of this concept.


MIT (c) Kipon ApS, 2019,2020,2021


Dynamics 365 plugin template project






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