This repo walks through creating a VPC, it's associated components such as subnets (private and public), IGW, NAT gateway(s), routes, etc using the public module from the Terraform Registry.
It also creates a base EKS Kubernetes cluster using the public Terraform module. It uses a worker group made up of spot instances (or mix of on-demand and spot if you want) to keep it cheap for demo purposes. All nodes are provisioned to the private subnets.
To use this repo for demo purposes you will need the following. AWS Account (at least one, can do multiple) AWS IAM Credentials with admin purposes (for demo) AWS IAM Role with adminstrative privileges for Terraform to assume (multi-account setup) AWS S3 Bucket to hold state AWS cli installed and configured Kubectl installed Terraform 0.14.3 installed (I recommend using Basic knowledge of AWS IAM, and Kubernetes components.
Add your roles, and account ID's to the Add your pre-existing S3 State bucket to
Run terraform init -backend-configs=env/test/backend.tfvars src/
Which will initialize your workspace and pull any providers needed such as AWS and the Kubernetes providers.
Then run a terraform plan terraform plan -var 'env=test' src/
If looks ok go ahead and run the apply terraform apply -var 'env=test' src/
Answer with yes when asked if you want to apply. It will take a bit to provision the VPC, related resources, the EKS cluster and related resources. Once done you need to setup your local kubectl for access by running aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name aws-vpc
or aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name aws-vpc --role arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/<name>
with whatever role you used to create the cluster (defined in variables).
To deploy the demo app to test IRSA ability run:
kubectl apply -f demo_irsa_app/ --dry-run=client
if the dry run looks ok go ahead and apply it.
kubectl apply -f demo_irsa_app/
Once deployed you can describe the deployment, service account, etc and see how they are linked up.
Go ahead and climb on the container with
kubectl exec -it <name of container> -- bin/bash
Install the aws cli
apt-get update
apt-get install awscli
List buckets
aws s3 ls
Touch a file
touch test.txt
Upload to S3 bucket
aws s3 cp test.txt s3://name-of-bucket
You have now used Terraform to spin up a VPC, EKS Cluster, deployed a demo app that is using a service account to assume a IAM role and policy through OIDC. For more information please read up on IRSA here:
First empty your s3 bucket.
terraform destroy -var 'env=test' src/