Konrad Wisniewski 2017
To compile, type:
make all
To run:
./rayTracer --default
The program should write an image called default.ppm in the current directory. This image should be rendition of the test scene at a resolution of 512 x 512.
./rayTracer --yours
The program should write an image called yours.ppm in the current directory. This image should be a rendition of your modelled scene at a resolution of 512 pixels for the shorter side.
If no flag is given, file is saved as default.ppm
1) Create default scene, 512*512, fov of 55, Depth level of 12, 4x supersampling
./rayTracer --default 512 512 55 12 4
2) Create custom scene, 512*512, fov of 55, Depth level of 12, 4x supersampling
./rayTracer --yours 512 512 55 12 4
Implemented all of the necessary features:
- Perspective Camera
- Geometric Primitives
- Local Illumination
- Recursive Ray Tracing
- Super Sampling
How to use all the features:
Custom Resolution
Usage: ./rayTracer --default [int]width [int]height
ex) ./rayTracer --default 512 512
default values are 512X512
Custom FOV (Perspective Camera)
Usage: ./rayTracer --default [int]width [int]height [int]FOV
ex) ./rayTracer --default 512 512 55
default value is 55
- Adjustable levels of SuperSampling and Depth
Usage: ./rayTracer --default [int]width [int]height [int]FOV [int]Depth [int]SuperSampling
ex) ./rayTracer --default 512 512 55 14 4
yours.ppm and yours1.ppm show off triangles and spheres, reflections, super sampling, custom resolutions.
yours2.ppm shows of custom FOV
yoursLowQuality.ppm shows low supersampling and reflective depth