This is an implementation of this paper:
It is a method of applying stylistic features learned from one image (the style image) and applying them to "repaint" a content image in that style. Some examples (these images taken from the linked paper above):
The pretrained model is too large to store in this repo (> 500MB), so you need to download it here and place in the repo root directory:
If you're running the Anaconda distribution, you only need to install Keras:
conda install keras
Otherwise, the following packages should be installed: scipy, numpy, imageio, matplotlib, keras
Out of nothing more than curiosity, I decided to plot the cost function over iterations and noticed this oddity:
The 10x spike in loss around iterations 8 and 10 baffles me. It seems to occur pretty consistently regardless of differing initial state. Perhaps someone who reads this and knows the intricacies of L-BFGS might be able to enlighten me? It doesn't impact the end result, but it is weird.