A curated list of awesome things related to Flask, based on Awesome Django.
- Flask-Admin - Functional admin panel that provides a user interface for managing data based on your models
- Flask-Login - Account management and authentication
- Flask Principal - Authorization
- Flask-HTTPAuth - Authentication
- Flask-Security - Account management, authentication, authorization
- Flask-User - Account management, authentication, authorization
Curious about the differences differences between Flask-User and Flask-Security? Review the Flask-User FAQ.
- Flask-Praetorian - Authentication and authorization for Flask APIs
- Flask-JWT - Basic support for working with JWTs
- Flask-JWT-Extended - Advanced support for working with JWTs
- Flask-Caching - Caching support
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - Support for SQLAlchemy, a SQL toolkit and ORM
- Flask-Alembic - Configurable Alembic migration environment around a Flask-SQLAlchemy database for handling database migrations
- Flask-Peewee - Support for Peewee, an ORM and database migration tool
- Flask-Pony - Support for Pony ORM
- Flask-PyMongo - Bridges Flask and PyMongo for working with MongoDB
- Flask-MongoEngine - Bridges Flask and MongoEngine for working with MongoDB
- Flask-DebugToolbar - Port of Django's debug toolbar for Flask
- Flask-Profiler - Endpoint analyzer/profiler
- Flask-Fixtures - create database fixtures form JSON or YAML
- Mixer - Object generation tool
- Rollbar - Flask error logging with Rollbar
- Airbrake - Airbrake Flask integration
- Elastic APM Agent - Elastic APM Flask integration
- Flask Monitoring Dashboard - Dashboard for automatic monitoring of Flask web-services
- Sentry Python SDK - Sentry SDK Flask integration
- Flask-OpenTracing - OpenTracing instrumentation
- Flask-Testing - Unittest extensions
- Pytest-Flask - Pytest support for testing Flask applications
- Flask-Mail - Provides simple email sending capabilities
- Flask-WTF - Integrates Flask with WTForms
- SQLAlchemy-Searchable - Provides full-text search capabilities for SQLAlchemy models
- Flask-Bcrypt - Provides bcrypt hashing utilities
- Flask-CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) handling
- Flask-SeaSurf - Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention
- Flask-Talisman - HTTPS and security headers
- Flask-Babel - Support for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n)
- Flask-FlatPages - Provides flat static pages based on text files
- Frozen-Flask - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
- Flask-GraphQL - GraphQL support
- Flask-Limiter - Rate limiting features to Flask routes
- Flask-Moment - Moment.js date and time formatting helpers for Jinja2 templates
- Flask-Paginate - Pagination support
- Flask-Sitemap - Sitemap generation
- Flask-SocketIO - Socket.IO integration
- Project Website - Official Flask website
- Documentation - Comprehensive documentation for all Flask versions
- Flaskr Tutorial - Build a basic blog application called Flaskr
- Source Code - Hosted on Github
- TestDriven - Up-to-date tutorials on Flask
- Miguel Grinberg's Blog - Multiple Flask-specific tutorials
- Full Stack Python's Flask Page - Explanation of Flask philosophy and links to other resources and tutorials
- RealPython - Many high-quality tutorials on Flask
- Patrick Kennedy's Blog - Numerous tutorials on learning Python web application development with Flask
- Nick Janetakis's Blog - Flask Tips, Tricks and Tutorials
- Mailing List (
) - General discussion of Flask and the Pallets projects - Discord - Pallets Projects community on Discord (use the
channel for Flask support) - Twitter - For official announcements on updates, security fixes, etc.
- Stack Overflow - Questions tagged
- Reddit - Flask subreddit
- IRC Channel - Chat with other Flask users on IRC channel
on FreeNode
- PyConWeb
- Flask Conf Brazil
- PyCon US
- PyCon Australia
- Euro Python
- Complete listing of all PyCons globally
- Flask Conf Brazil - 2018
- PyCon US - 2019
- EuroPython - 2019
- PyCon Australia - 2019
- Complete listing of videos
- Flask - 40+ groups in 20 countries
- Python Web Development - 600+ groups in 81 countries
- Python - 2,400+ groups in 100 countries
- TalkPython - The leading Python podcast with several episodes on Flask
- Podcast Init - A popular Python podcast that features Flask guests on occasion
- Python Bytes - Another Python podcast that discusses Flask from time to time
- Full Stack Python's Best Python Podcasts Page - A list of active Python-specific podcasts
- The Flask Mega-Tutorial
- Intro to Flask, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and JavaScript
- Flask Tutorial - Step By Step
- Make a Web App Using Python & Flask!
- PyVideo
- Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials
- Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App
- Discover Flask - Full Stack Web Development with Flask
- Heroku
- PythonAnywhere
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Google App Engine
- Microsoft Azure App Service
- Divio
- Render
- cookiecutter-flask
- Cookiecutter Flask Skeleton
- gae-init - For starting new applications on Google App Engine
- Flask-AppBuilder
- flask-base
- Flask-Bootstrap
- uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker - Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container
- React-Redux-Flask
- Flask-Scaffold